You are not alone if you experience anxiousness. Anxiety is a problem that affects a lot of people. This blog examines what anxiety actually is and how aromatherapy might be beneficial.

What is anxiety?

Mild to severe anxiety might exist. It can be a crippling ailment that affects the victims’ quality of life. Anxiety is described as “an emotion characterised by feelings of tension, anxious thoughts, and bodily changes, such as elevated blood pressure,” by the American Psychological Association. This demonstrates how anxiety has an impact on both our physical and emotional health.

Symptoms of anxiety

Some of these emotions could be all too familiar if you have anxiety.

  • having a restless and restless feeling. You may find it difficult to concentrate while watching TV because you have to be on the go all the time.
  • excessive anxiety As a result, you stress over every little thing. Everything and anything starts to make you anxious.
  • insomnia or difficulty sleeping. You might have trouble falling asleep at night or have a restless sleep.
  • feeling worn out and exhausted. Possibly as a result of insufficient sleep. Additionally draining is a persistent concern.
  • lack of attention. It’s tough to focus when you’re constantly worried because distracting concerns keep coming to mind.
  • physical ailment Your physical health may suffer if you are always stressed. Headaches and upset stomachs may result from this.
  • Fear strikes. Extremely frightening feelings of acute terror might come on suddenly.

Different people react differently to anxiety. There are various forms of anxiety, each with a unique reason.

  • The most prevalent type of anxiety illness with no known aetiology is generalised anxiety disorder (GAD).
  • Agoraphobia causes people to stay indoors because they are afraid of what might happen if they venture outside.
  • Social anxiety disorder is a worry of looking foolish in front of others. Patients shun social interaction and gatherings of people.
  • Phobias can be associated with anything, from snakes and spiders to balloons and buttons. Panic attacks can occur when the source of the fear is encountered.

eventually in their lives. So being aware of your options for treatment can help.

Anxiety treatment options

There are times when treating anxiety symptoms is not necessary. Anxiety is a normal emotion that serves to keep us safe. For instance, we can experience anxiety due to a looming work deadline. This, hopefully, motivates us to act and complete the task. When there is a risk of injury, we also experience anxiety. In this situation, we avoid danger by fleeing or getting ready to fight.

Anxiety compels us to reduce the symptoms in these circumstances. However, if we experience anxiety at times when there is no immediate risk, we may require medical attention.

There are several ways to cure anxiety, such as:

Self-help options

These are strategies we can use ourselves to treat anxiety disorders.

Stop smoking

Smoking and disorders linked to anxiety are strongly correlated. Although smoking may temporarily seem to reduce anxiety symptoms, research suggests that long-term smoking may actually raise the risk of anxiety and disorders associated with anxiety. Although quitting smoking is a challenging path, it is one that is well worth going on.


Numerous studies have demonstrated the positive impact exercise has on lowering anxiety. When you have anxiety, getting up and moving can be difficult. But the benefits are unquestionably worthwhile. The stress hormone cortisol is produced in greater quantities by anxiety. Exercise lowers these levels, which lessens the symptoms of anxiousness.

Build social connections

A significant study discovered that social interaction increases longevity chances by 50%. Anxiety and despair are less common in people who feel more connected to others. Contact your loved ones and friends to start forming new relationships. Consider helping others or joining local organizations that interest you. To feel more bonded, even the smallest actions matter.

Stress management

For the purpose of reducing anxiety, learning certain stress-management skills is essential. Keep in mind that what functions for one individual may not function for you. Spend some time experimenting to find the methods that work best for you.

Here are a few short strategies for handling stress when it arises:

  • Take a walk
  • Focus on breathing
  • Do something creative
  • Express your feelings
  • Write a gratitude list
  • Have a shower or bath

Professional counseling or therapy

For problems connected to anxiety, cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) is frequently employed. It functions by detecting thoughts that can be used to change behavioural patterns. Another choice is psychotherapy. Hypnosis is a complementary therapy that taps into the subconscious mind to get rid of restricting and harmful ideas. There are many complementary therapies that can help with anxiety.


A doctor must write a prescription for anxiety drugs. A variety of options are available, including antidepressants. Speak with a medical expert for further details about available medical treatments. The side effects of taking drugs might be unpleasant.

How does aromatherapy work?

The scent of essential oils affects the brain. Aromatherapy is the application of these essential oils to treat the whole person. When scents are inhaled or absorbed through the skin – by aromatherapy massage – they travel to the limbic system in the brain. This part of the brain is linked to emotions. This is why some smells can make you feel elated, others can make you feel terrible! Certain scents can also evoke memories.

Aromatherapy and anxiety

How does aromatherapy help with anxiety?

Aromatherapy is a great choice for reducing anxiety symptoms because it is an entirely natural therapy. Overactive brains can be soothed and calmed by using essential oils. In other words, it aids in calming and relaxing you. Some oils are wonderful for aiding with sleep difficulties.

How to use aromatherapy as an alternatives for cigarettes

You may incorporate aromatherapy into your life in a number of different ways. The simplest method is to always have a bottle of essential oils on hand. Simply inhale the fragrance from the bottle when anxiety or tension strikes, and allow it to do its job. To aid in falling asleep, try adding a few drops of lavender oil to a hot bath.

A personal diffuser or a diffuser for the space are further options. All of your favourite nicotine-free puffs are available at ripple+ and are infused with healthy essential oils. If you want to feel better, try a ripple+ FOCUS or a ripple+ RELAX to unwind after a long day.

The following are some of the best essential oils for anxiety:

  • Bergamot
  • Chamomile
  • Frankincense
  • Lavender
  • Orange
  • Peppermint
  • Valerian

Final thoughts

Keep in mind that not everyone who experiences anxiety responds to the same treatment. It can be more effective to use a mix of treatments to lessen your symptoms. A change in lifestyle could be necessary to treat anxiety. Reducing the things you do that make you unhappy and increasing your self-care. This can make you feel more in charge and stop anxious ideas in their tracks. Aromatherapy is the plant-powered, all-natural way to support you with anxiety, regardless of the treatment you select.