The fleet manager needs to monitor several pieces of heavy equipment. Keeping track of all is quite difficult by using GPS navigation. GPS navigation sometimes may lose the location, especially in large metropolitan areas. This way the equipment’s location tracking becomes problematic. However, the experts have found the solution by experimenting with geofencing in the fleet.

What does geofencing mean?

Geofencing is the latest technology that helps managers to trace the location of their equipment. When you are running an equipment rental business, it becomes more important for you to keep the location tracking of the rented equipment. This is to avoid scams and losses. You can restrict the movement of the equipment to a particular area so that the operator cannot move it out of the range. 

For example, you have installed a geofencing tech in your equipment like a bulldozer, excavator, and crane. You have restricted the operator to use it under the marked area and up to particular hours. In case, if the operator tries to use it out of the limited area, the geofencing system will send an alert to your connected device. You can then call the operator to stop violating the commitment. Besides them, you will find many other benefits of using geofencing in construction equipment. Some of them are listed below.

  • Monitoring the Performance

The geofencing system does not only provide the location of your equipment but the precise data on the usage. It means you can track the actual and accurate data from the equipment such as the oil consumption, fuel cost, engines’ health, and many more. The data helps you to understand when the equipment needs maintenance and repair. 

Any glitch in these factors may affect the performance of the equipment. So the precise data will help you to monitor the performance of your equipment even if you are not around it.

  • Increased Safety

One of the main features of geofencing is improved safety and compliance. Fleet safety is the key aspect that cannot be neglected at any cost. With geofencing tech, you can set the restriction in your equipment against crossing the no-go area. When the equipment will about to cross that restricted line, you will get an alert notification. You can immediately ask the operator to change the route before getting into trouble. Further, the bad condition of the engine and any other part of the machine will be notified and the operators can avoid mishaps. 

  • Better Payroll and Time Management

With geofencing technology, you can easily and efficiently track the working hours of the operator. If the operator is working on the hourly pay, then you can easily calculate the hours he worked on the site. When the operator comes to the site and starts working, he checks in the software. When it comes to the calculation of the payroll, the finance and admin team will easily calculate the accurate time and release the salary to the drivers.

The Bottom Line

Geofencing is an advanced technology that helps the fleet manager to track the location and limits of their equipment like a bulldozer, excavator, and crane. The geofencing installation of the equipment will also improve safety compliance and simplify the payroll management system. In this article, 

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