best sauna sydney

If you’re like me, you love your sauna. It’s a great way to relax, unwind, and even get in some exercise. But did you know that using the best sauna Sydney can also help improve hair growth? Infrared saunas use infrared heaters instead of steam or water to generate heat. And unlike other types of saunas, which only provide heat on one side of the body at a time (the back), infrared saunas give off heat for all sides of the body simultaneously – including your head! This means that any time spent in an infrared sauna is much more effective than other types at helping improve blood circulation throughout your entire body (including the scalp).

How saunas help improve hair growth 

Saunas help to cleanse the body of toxins and improve circulation, blood flow and skin and hair health. Saunas help to improve mood, sleep and mental clarity. A person can experience these benefits by sitting in a sauna for 10-15 minutes per day or even more if desired.

Sauna helps with hair growth because it increases circulation, which gives your scalp more oxygen and nutrients, which are critical for healthy hair growth. Also, when you sweat in a sauna, your body releases endorphins into your system, which makes you feel happy!

The benefits of infrared sauna use for hair growth

Infrared sauna use has many benefits for hair growth. The heat generated by the infrared sauna helps increase blood flow to the scalp, which in turn increases circulation and oxygenation of your scalp. This increased blood flow allows more nutrients and oxygen to reach your hair follicles, causing them to produce more collagen, which strengthens hair roots and increases their elasticity. As a result, this helps increase hair growth and thickness as well as improve the colour and texture of your existing hair.

How to get the most out of your sauna sessions for hair growth 

The best way to get the most out of your sauna sessions is to avoid using them too often. You should only use it once every three days, and if you feel like your body is getting dehydrated, take a break from using it until your hydration levels are restored.

Before using an infrared sauna, make sure that your hair is healthy and strong enough to handle the heat and moisture of such an environment. If you have very brittle or damaged hair, then avoid using an infrared sauna altogether until you can fix those issues first.

If you are going to buy sauna Sydney wide for yourself and want to know how much heat they generate compared with other types of infrared heaters, then make sure not only do they have adjustable settings but also control over how many watts per square inch there are as well as what kinds of materials are used in making them (i.e.; ceramic heating elements work for most people).

best sauna sydney

What to avoid when using a sauna for hair growth?

Choosing the best sauna Sydney has many benefits for hair growth and overall health. There are some people who should avoid using a sauna. These include those with low platelet counts (which can be caused by bleeding disorders), those with low blood pressure and heart rate, those with low body temperature, or anyone else who is otherwise at risk for heat-related illness.

Avoiding infrared saunas when pregnant or breastfeeding is also recommended by doctors. If you’re planning on getting pregnant soon, it’s best to check with your doctor if you want to use an infrared sauna before then.


Infrared sauna use can be a great way to help your hair grow at a healthy rate. The heat from the sauna is able to penetrate deep into your skin and muscles, which helps increase blood flow to those areas. This means more oxygen will reach your scalp, which then promotes better hair growth and the overall health of your follicles!

Source: How Does Using an Infrared Sauna Aid Hair Growth?