A Cash App payment pending means that the money is on hold and will be transferred after the recipient accepts it. For example, sending a payment to a merchant will be pending until the merchant accepts or declines it. If the merchant does not respond, the payment will expire after 30 days.

What Does Pending Mean on Cash App?

So what does pending mean on Cash App? This message will be displayed when the payment process has stalled. Sometimes, a server problem prevents you from processing the transaction right away, which means you must wait for the receiving party to authorise the payment before it can proceed. To fix this issue, you can try to wait for one or two hours, depending on the severity of the issue. However, if the issue persists, you may want to try to use regular cash instead.

If you get this message on the Cash App, try to locate the cause of the delay. If a server error causes the issue, ensure that your internet connection is stable. If that doesn’t work, try refreshing your smartphone. Then, you can try to make the payment again. It might take some time to resolve the issue, but this step is essential to prevent future pending transactions.

If you have made a transaction on Cash App, you’ll probably see a “Cash App pending” message. The transaction has not yet been verified, or you’ve sent more money than the allowed amount. This may take a long time, as the merchant needs to verify the funds. Additionally, the transaction may have happened outside of business hours, taking longer than expected. In such cases, the pending charge will be returned to your Cash App account.

Why is my Cash App payment pending?

Here are some of the reasons due to which the Cash App payment pending:

  • The card has been declined. If your payment isn’t approved, your money will be returned to you, and the transaction won’t go through.
  • The card account doesn’t have sufficient funds for the transaction.
  • The card is not activated yet. When you add a debit or a credit card to Cash App, it will take at least 24 hours to become active on our system and ready for use with cash transfers and purchases of digital currency (Bitcoin).
  • We encourage clients who intend to use their debit/credit cards in any capacity with Cash App to activate them before adding them as payment methods. This will speed up the process significantly when using those cards in the future.

How do I accept pending payments on the Cash App?

A Cash App pending payment is a transaction sent to you and needs to be accepted on the Cash App before it can be deposited. You can accept payments after they are sent to you by following these steps:

  • Tap the Activity tab on your Cash App home screen.
  • Select the payment.
  • Tap Accept.
  • Enter the Refund/Accept Amount under “Refund Amount?” This will deduct from your balance if you’d like to send some of it back, or leave this field blank if not necessary (the default amount).
  • Tap Confirm when finished! If successful, an “Accepted” notification will appear at the top of your screen with more details about this transaction, like who paid it, how much was sent, etc.