Data capture technologies are used by transportation and logistics (T&L) companies to track goods and shipments, maintain equipment, and ensure smooth passenger check-ins. These workflows are typically implemented utilizing dedicated apps that work in collaboration with existing enterprise programs to handle delivery, shipping, and return services, among other things. Mobile data capture for transport and logistics has recently been identified by IT executives in the T&L industry as a more flexible, scalable, and cost-effective solution that actively fosters business growth and productivity.

Mobile data capture technology gives native and web programs on daily smart devices, such as smartphones, tablets, and even wearables, enterprise-grade scanning capabilities. T&L teams can use this technology to provide any employee with a powerful mobile scanner for a range of functions such as product identification, data entry, quality assurance (QA), shipping and fulfilment, and even purchasing and tracking.

T&L firms can benefit from smart device-based mobile data capturing in a variety of ways, including:

Cost Savings

Did you know that compared to dedicated scanning devices, mobile data capture solutions help T&L firms save 3x on capital and maintenance costs? Compared to dedicated hardware, mobile scanners are substantially less expensive, lowering TCO (total cost of ownership). Employees are also familiar with and comfortable with these smartphone-based solutions, making adoption and training straightforward and quick.

Improved Tracking Procedures

The finest mobile data capture software allows T&L businesses to optimise parcel tracking and delivery workflows by scanning barcodes on nearly any smart device that matches or even exceeds hardware scanners. Even under the most difficult scanning settings, enterprise-grade scanning software processes shredded, small, or poorly illuminated codes in seconds, giving better consistency and dependability to your T&L data capturing procedures.

Scalable Operations

Mobile smart devices are cost-effective and ubiquitous, and unlike traditional scanners, they can be upgraded at any moment without being taken out of circulation. Strong security measures (such as data encryption and user management) can be added to smartphone-based scanners to safeguard devices and safely scale as operational demands grow.

IT System Integration

Your IT department can integrate your mobile data collection solution with existing backend systems using smart device-based scanners. To coordinate and optimise your T&L workflows, data may be properly gathered, managed, and shared across your transportation management systems, resource planning systems, and warehouse management systems.

How is Mobile Data Capturing Used in Logistics and Transportation?

Let’s analyze two of mobile data capture’s most prevalent and significant use cases in transportation and logistics now that we’ve covered the key benefits of mobile data capture for T&L organisations:

Receiving & Shipping

Mobile data capture works in tandem with existing shipping and receiving technologies to cut costs, expedite product delivery, and ensure customers get the right items at the right time. Mobile barcode scanning allows workers to maintain track of shipments from anywhere in the warehouse, capturing all data from shipments in a single scan. Warehouse employees can process orders faster and more ergonomically with smartphone-based scanners than they can with traditional hardware, resulting in more effective shipping and receiving processes.

Delivery & Pickup

T&L last-mile delivery employees can use mobile barcode scanning apps on their cellphones to track items throughout delivery and pickup workflows, eliminating the need for pricey scanning hardware. Employees with a user-friendly mobile scanning app may quickly identify items at the distribution centre and track them throughout the delivery process. The option to use continuous scanning instead of needing to activate the scanner each time when scanning against a delivery manifesto is a time saver.

Mobile data capturing simplifies Pickup and Dropoff (PUDO) procedures. Real-time parcel tracking is possible from and to every client touchpoint, including gas stations, secure lockers, convenience stores, post offices or branches, and even third-party service providers. T&L businesses and partners employ mobile device-based barcode scanning to accept, search, and complete contact-free proof of delivery wherever customers wish to receive their shipments.