If we compare the surrogacy cost in Argentina to other developed nations like USA, Canada, and Mexico, we would come to the point that surrogacy in this part of the world is highly ethical, yet affordable at the same time. While surrogacy is still unregulated in the country, you must still get on board with a reputed clinic offering surrogacy in Argentina.

Even while the precise costs of a surrogacy plan are sometimes hazy and much unexpected, they nonetheless represent a very considerable financial outlay. Nevertheless, you must remain aware and updated about the many features and components of the surrogacy cost in Argentina, regardless of the type of surrogacy you are pursuing.

How much surrogacy cost in Argentina?

Depending on the plans and program chosen, the typical cost of surrogacy in Argentina ranges from $65,000 to $95,000. Intended parents must know that the cost of surrogacy in Argentina may be further reduced if a woman’s own eggs can be used or if the intended parent(s) have frozen embryos from prior reproductive treatments. The same applies to the use of sperm.

The procedure will cost a little less if intended father is providing his sperm sample and there is not further requirement of a sperm donor into the process.

On the other side, surrogate mother cost in Argentina would also contribute to a great extent in the overall cost structure. Therefore, before moving forward, the intended parents must conduct all of their study and analysis in this regard. Although surrogacy is still inexpensive in Argentina, it does have its own financial elements.


Surrogate Mother Cost in Argentina


In Argentina, the following are the typical costs associated with surrogacy:

Fee for the surrogacy agency: Regarding surrogacy agency costs, each agency has a different cost structure and relevance in the overall surrogacy arrangements. So, one must enquire about the same before getting ahead.

Surrogate mother cost in Argentina: In Argentina, surrogate mothers often cost between $10,000 and $20,000. There are two kinds of agreements right now: compensated and altruistic. The surrogate mother will get payment during the compensated surrogacy in Argentina in accordance with the terms of the contract.

Contrarily, in case the surrogate mother in Argentina is joining the process as a close friend or family of the intending parents, the altruistic surrogacy in Argentina does not include any financial reward.

Health insurance for surrogates: Depending on the kind of surrogacy insurance provider you choose, this might cost anywhere from $5,000 to $10,000. This part will continue to be optional because many health insurance providers in Argentina do not fully cover surrogacy.

Medical costs: Pregnancy-related clothing, transportation to the doctor’s office, childcare, assistance with housework at the end of the pregnancy, additional life insurance, and other charges may be covered in this part.

Legal cost: To ensure that your surrogacy journey is pleasant and easy-going throughout, you’ll need the support of a knowledgeable surrogacy and family planning attorney. So, as you deal with a reputed surrogacy agency, they will further provide you with the required legal support in return of a fixed cost.

Counselling services: This is yet another essential factor affecting how much surrogacy cost in Argentina. It is important to note that the majority of Argentine surrogacy clinics demand that both the intended parents and the surrogate undergo proper counselling sessions in prior, during or after the arrangement. By doing this, individuals can avoid experiencing any stress, worry, or other mental health problems while going through the surrogacy process.

IVF costs: This would include all the cost incurred at the IVF treatment clinic in Argentina. Again, if you are dealing with a surrogacy clinic in Argentina, this cost would come as a part of the program or plan offered to you.

Final words

Surrogacy in Argentina is quite inexpensive in comparison to other neighbourhood countries. Still, one must stay wary of falling in wrong hands while searching for cheap surrogacy options in the country.