Everyday we’re exposed to naturally occurring radiation as well as artificial radiation. In many cases, exposure to artificial radiation occurs in the workplace, depending on your occupation. When you work in a profession that requires regular exposure to radiation, you must take the necessary precautions to protect yourself.  

Protective equipment and regular monitoring are effective ways to protect yourself from excessive exposure. Professions such as oncologists and X-ray technicians are individuals who must monitor their work environments regularly to ensure their exposure is at a minimum. This is accomplished through the use of radiation detectors. These devices are becoming quite common, and they’re a major contributor in saving the lives of the professionals exposed to radiation, which, in turn, can help save lives. In the medical field, radiation detectors also save the lives of patients just as much as it saves the lives of medical professionals. 

In this blog, we will learn about the basics of radiation detection and how it can help keep you safe. 

What Is Radiation? 

You might be wondering what radiation is. Simply put, it’s a type of energy that comes from unstable atoms. And if you’re exposed to radiation, it can have some damaging consequences, like causing cancer. 

That’s why it’s so crucial to have radiation detection equipment on hand. It can help you detect radiation before it does too much damage and gives you time to evacuate the area. 

Radiation detectors are available in all shapes and sizes, so there’s one for every budget. And the good news is that they’re not just for use in emergencies. You can also use them daily to ensure your building is safe from radiation exposure. 

What Are the Dangers of Radiation? 

You might think that radiation is only a problem for people who work in nuclear power plants or hospitals—but that’s not the case. 

Radiation is all around us, and it can be extremely dangerous if it’s not monitored. That’s why radiation detection is so important. 

There are all sorts of radiation detectors on the market, and each has its benefits and drawbacks. It can be tough to decide which detector is correct for you, but that’s where S.E. International comes in. We can help you find the correct detector for your needs, and we’ll ensure you learn how to use it properly. 

How Can Radiation Detection Save Your Life? 

Radiation measurement tasks are done in places where radioactive materials are known to be present and need to be watched. The goal of this kind of detecting is to make people aware. Awareness of how strong a radioactive field is, how big a radioactive area is, or just how far radioactive contamination has spread. These are places where radiation is expected or thought to be likely to be present. In these situations, detectors need to be able to measure over a wider range or be changed to look for only one type of radiation. Being aware of how much radiation you’re exposed to is one of the biggest life-saving aspect, especially if you work in a field where you’re constantly exposed to it. There are, of course, plenty of other situations where having a radiation detector on hand can come in handy, like during a nuclear emergency or a terrorist attack. 

So, the next time you think about buying a radiation detector, remember this: it could save your life. 

What Are the Best Radiation Detectors? 

When it comes to radiation detection, there are different options to choose from. So, which one is the best for you? 

The answer to that question depends on your needs and what you’re looking for in a radiation detector. For example, if you’re looking for something very portable and easy to use, then a Pico Geiger counter might be the right choice for you. 

On the other hand, if you’re looking for something that’s more robust and can detect a different radiation type, then a fully-featured Geiger counter might be the better option. 

No matter what type of radiation detector you choose, ensure that it has been tested and certified by a reputable organization. That way, you can be sure that it will provide accurate information in a radiation emergency. 

How to Use a Radiation Detector 

Here’s how you use a radiation detector: 

First, make sure the detector is turned on. To do this, press the power button. The detector will start beeping, and the indicator light will turn on. 

Second, hold the detector up to the object you want to test. The indicator light will start flashing, and the beeping will get louder as you get closer to the radiation source. 

Third, keep the detector still and wait for it to stop beeping, which means that you’ve found the radiation source. Note the level of radiation and take appropriate action. 

Tips for Living in a High-Radiation Area 

Living in a high-radiation area can be scary, but with the right tools, you can protect yourself and your loved ones. Here are a few tips for living in a high-radiation area: 

  1. Make sure you have a radiation detector. A radiation detector will help you quickly identify any radiation hotspots in your area.
  2. Stay informed about the latest developments. Keep up-to-date on the latest news and information about radiation levels in your area.
  3. Keep track of your local radiation levels. Make sure to keep track of the radiation levels in your area and take precautions when they’re elevated.
  4. Stay indoors as much as possible. When the radiation levels are high, it’s best to stay indoors as much as possible.
  5. Keep a safe distance from radioactive materials. If you come in contact with radioactive materials, ensure to keep a safe distance from them and wash your hands thoroughly afterwards.
  6. Have a disaster plan ready. If the worst happens and the radiation levels get too high, ensure you have a disaster plan to go.


You never know when radiation will be a threat, so it’s crucial to always be prepared. By having a radiation detector on hand, you can quickly assess any situation and make the right decisions for your safety. 

Radiation can come from various sources, so it’s vital to be aware of your surroundings every time. A radiation detector is a great way to stay safe and secure in any situation. 

Whether you’re in the public safety or healthcare industries (and more), to get the ultimate detection of radiation, contact S.E. International to learn more about radiation detections or for assistance with placing an order and get more knowledge about how radiation detection can save your life.