An installment-title loan is not like a single-payment on a title loan. A title loan are usually need based, meaning you need to have the same amount of money before and after the title or cash advance. With installment title loans, the terms vary with each individual situation; so these loans may be based on your credit score or income level. Many people are under the impression that installment loans are very similar to single-payment loans, and that is simply not true. Single-payment loans are usually more expensive than installment  loans because of the interest rates.


The installment title loan is a much better way to go if you need cash quickly and have nowhere else to turn. When single-payment loans are compared with other emergency loan options, people realize they can be more expensive; yet, single-payment loans may be necessary on those days when everything falls apart, when there is a severe weather situation or when there is an accident or medical emergency.


The main difference between payment and installment title loans is the amount of money you are paying each month, and whether a loan must be repaid over a period of time or over several installments. 


How True Installment Loans Work

A single payment is made on each title when you are due back your vehicle. Each payment is then divided into equal monthly payments for the term. The terms may be either monthly, bi-weekly or weekly depending on the lender. You can borrow as much as 90% of the value of your car to get cash faster, up to $20,000 in most cases. The installment loan is a much better way to go if you need cash quickly and have nowhere else to turn. When you take out an emergency loan option, it is most likely intended to be used when unforeseen expenses arise. That’s why this option works better for many people, especially those who simply do not have the money when they need it. Payday loans also are known as paycheck advances, salary advances, or salary loans. They do not require bank account information like installment loans do; however, they require a steady income.


What About Loan Payment And Repayments? 

You are required to make payments on your installment title loan. The payments vary based on the lender and term that you pick. These payments go directly to the bank and can be paid via automatic debit or by a credit card. You do not have to pay a down payment when taking out an installment loan; however, the amount you choose will depend on your personal needs, which means you can take out whatever amount of money you need in order to get back on your feet.  It is important to make sure that you are on track with your payments each month. If someone does not make a payment for more than a few months, then they will have take the repossession or your vehicle that you have used as collateral. 


Advantages Of Installment Title Loans 

The main advantage of an installment loan is that they help people who lack sufficient credit to qualify for a bank loan. When you are dealing with credit issues, you may find yourself turned down in several places because of insufficient funds; however, making one or two small payments per month will allow people to rebuild their credit and get back on their feet. The best part about this option is that the lender does not check your credit score; rather, they look at your ability to pay on time each month, which can be very helpful for those who have experienced financial hardships in the past. When they are set up correctly, installment loans can be very beneficial in many ways. If you want to continue to have a good credit score and rebuild your credit, then taking out an installment loan is the best way to go. 


What Questions Do People Ask About Installment Title Loans? 

The most common question that people ask about title loans is whether or not they have to pay them back, even if it takes years or decades. This is an understandable concern since most people do not want to be paying for a loan for the rest of their lives. 


Another common question that comes up when comparing installment loans with single-payment loans is how much money one can borrow on each loan.

One question that many people ask is whether or not they will be able to get an installment loan if they have a certain amount of their own money.


People also need to know that if they do not make at least one payment on their loan, then there is a possibility that the lender will repossess the vehicle. There are some situations in which you may be allowed a grace period, but most of the time you do not have any leeway when it comes to missing payments. The lender wants their money back each month and will take steps to make sure it happens.


How To Obtain A Title Loan In Canada?

The following are my 4 steps to getting a vehicle loan for its title. Call or order online today.

Step 1: Know your Credit Score so you can get approved for the loan. 

Step 2: Once approved for the loan, pay it off no later than 3 months minimum.

Step 3: Keep your vehicle insured and licensed. If it gets damaged, you have to pay right away to get it fixed.

Step 4: Never give up on your dream car. Enjoy.

So you can anytime apply for the title loans and get it approved real quick.