When you think of cold weather, you are likely to associate it with itchy, flaky, and chapped skin. On the other hand, dry skin may strike even in the height of summer. 

Skin that has been exposed to the sun or a swimming pool might be left thirsty. Those living in hot, dry areas have it the hardest on their skin since the lack of humidity in the air and the intense sun heat combines to dehydrate and weaken the skin. 

There’s no guarantee that your skin will be completely free of issues during the summer, but there are a few things you can do to keep your skin protected. 

Below are some of the best methods to keep your skin from drying out in the summer.

Avoid Overexposure to the Sun

The sun’s ultraviolet (UV) rays are the most common cause of dry skin during summer. Moderate exposure to sunlight may benefit the skin, bones, and general health, but overexposure to the sun can cause dry skin, sunburns, or even skin cancer in certain people. 

In addition, unprotected skin loses hydration and natural oils due to exposure to the sun’s heat. Sun damage may not be visible for many hours or even days after exposure. However, redness and inflammation, followed by itching, peeling, and general dryness are all signs of damage. As dry skin may cause irritation and contribute to the production of lines and wrinkles, it is vital to stay away from direct sunlight exposure.

Wear Sunscreen

It’s vital to protect yourself from the sun all year round, but it’s more critical during the summer months. Since this is the time of year when you’ll be spending a lot of time outdoors, use a broad-spectrum sunscreen containing an SPF of at least 30 and restrict your time out in the sun. Some of these sunscreens you may not have considered can also be used as part of your daily skincare regimen.

Applying a Good Moisturizer Is a Must

After washing your face, use a moisturizer specifically designed for dry skin. During the winter, you may need a thicker moisturizer to keep your skin moisturized, while in the summer, you may choose a more lightweight choice. Along with a moisturizer, it is also advisable to use the best collagen powder in Australia to help you prevent your skin from drying out and developing wrinkles.

Exfoliation Is Important

A dry face is merely an accumulation of dead skin cells on your skin surface; the more buildup, the drier the skin will feel. Itchy and dry skin may be a real nuisance. You can use face cleansers that will gradually remove dry skin if used daily and incorporate a full scrub to remove dry skin. Do a patch test to see whether your skin is reactive to the chemicals in the scrub before using it regularly.

Avoid Using Hot Water

The skin is more likely to dry out if the water is too hot. The easiest way to keep cool in the summer heat is to take a shower with cold water. In the summer, lowering body temperature helps keep the skin hydrated, dry, and itchy.

Cover Your Skin

Wearing sunscreen isn’t enough to protect your skin from the sun’s harmful rays. Instead, wear a wide-brimmed hat, thick sunglasses, and long-sleeved clothing to protect yourself from the sun. To protect yourself from the sun’s rays, use thick fabrics and vivid colors to reflect light.

Put Humidifiers to Good Use

Air conditioners may leave your skin feeling parched during summer because they draw moisture and humidity from the air. If you live in a dry climate, you may use humidifiers in the house to keep the air moist. Doing this can help keep your skin from drying out.

Hydrate Well

All these summertime dry skin cures all have one thing in common: the need to hydrate and moisturize one’s skin daily. Keeping your body moisturized this summer is far simpler than protecting your skin with specialized creams, serums, and gels. In addition, skin and body health may be greatly improved by being well-hydrated from the inside out, particularly at night.


Summer is almost here, and even though it means you can wear your favorite summer dresses, shorts, and tank tops, you still need to pay attention to your skincare routine. Use the tips above to help you avoid dry skin this summer.