Do you know if your thyroid is functioning properly? Thyroids control several activities in the body, like improving body metabolism and regulating energy level, body temperature, mood, and blood pressure.

The thyroid gland ensures your body’s proper health, but when it becomes overactive, it can lead to several problems. Though it is a small part of our body, it has a huge role to play. Found in the middle of the neck, the thyroid produces hormones that impact each cell in the body. These help in producing energy and maintaining overall health.

Coming back to what happens when the thyroid becomes overactive (Hyperthyroidism), it can cause weight loss or irregular heartbeat, anxiety, or an increase in appetite. Fortunately, thyroid support packs are easily available in the market. These support packs ensure the healthy working of the thyroid gland.

Symptoms of Hyperthyroidism

Hyperthyroidism can act like other health issues, sometimes making it difficult for even the medical professional to diagnose. Following are several signs and symptoms of hyperthyroidism you may come across:

  • Enlarged thyroid gland
  • Fatigue
  • Problem sleeping
  • Pounding of heart
  • Sweating
  • Fine trembling in fingers and hands
  • Menstrual pattern changes
  • Unintended weight loss
  • Irregular heartbeat
  • Brittle hair
  • Changes in bowel pattern

Several hyperthyroidism treatments are available. Sometimes, surgery is the only option to remove the part of the thyroid gland. However, in order to avoid such circumstances, thyroid support packscan prove to be beneficial.

Who Can Develop Hyperthyroidism?

About 12% of the United State’s population will develop a thyroid condition in their lifetime, according to the American Thyroid Association. Among those with a thyroid condition, 60% are undiagnosed. Thyroid problem in women is more common than in men (it is five to eight times higher).

Others who are more likely to develop hyperthyroidism have:

  • Type 1 or type 2 diabetes
  • Family history of thyroid disease
  • Primary adrenal insufficiency
  • Using medicines that contain iodine
  • Using nicotine products
  • Older than 60 years
  • Had thyroid surgery or problem, like goiter

7 Ways to Boost Your Thyroid Function

Following are seven ways to support and boost your thyroid function:

  1. Thyroid Support Pack

When you are on a hunt to find the right supplement to support your thyroid health, you will surely find tons of brands to choose from. Several companies have started coming up with thyroid supplements to support thyroid health.

A thyroid support pack is formulated to help the body maintain its natural thyroid level. It contains Vitamin B-12, Magnesium, Zinc, and Iodine.

However, it is advisable to take thyroid supplements under the guidance of a healthcare expert.

  1. Balance Your Hormones

Making lifestyle changes can balance insulin and cortisol levels. It’s best to eat hormone balancing diet and avoid gluten or sugar. These can be inflammatory for those with autoimmune conditions. Add natural food, veggies, fruits, proteins, and fibrous food to your diet. Avoid household or skincare products that contain harmful toxins. Switch to items containing natural ingredients.

  1. Manage Stress

Chronic stress can trigger autoimmunity, and practicing stress-reducing techniques every day can help. Being more relaxed by trying mindfulness, deep breathing, or yoga can also boost healthy thyroid function. On the other hand, experts suggested thyroid support pack also helps reduce anxiety, sleep problems, and lethargy.

  1. Green Tea

Known all over the world, green tea is a metabolism booster. It contains catechins, an antioxidant that forces the fat cells to discharge the fat. It also helps the liver get rid of the excess fat.

  1. Exercise

Daily exercising in the morning can boost thyroid hormone levels, enabling the thyroid gland to produce thyroid hormones. Right from aerobics to mild walks, everything is good for metabolism.

  1. Increase Consumption of Fats

If you think fat in your food needs to be avoided, you might be wrong! This is a common myth. Sure, bad fats should be avoided, but healthy fats are a part of a nutritional plan. Fats such as omega-3s are present in sardines, salmon, and supplements, and oleic acid, that’s present in olive oil and avocados help balance the hormone and thyroid.

  1. Maintain Body Weight

Excess weight can cause insulin resistance, affecting hormonal levels. Individuals who are overweight require more thyroid hormone. People who are obese with borderline thyroid function can see progress in thyroid function after weight loss.

Wrap Up

There are plenty of things to help reduce the chances of developing thyroid disease, like avoiding smoke or limiting soy intake. It’s best to see a primary care physician before jumping to conclusions. These medical experts will help you understand how many capsules you need to take from the thyroid support pack.

It’s also important to understand the root cause of the issue and support your hormonal balance. Understanding and addressing the symptoms will help support your thyroid condition and provide you with energy and better sleep.