Many elderly individuals require either In-Home Care or a residential care facility as they lose independence with age. Perhaps you are the offspring of a senior who is beginning to lose their capacity for independence. Are they able to maintain a tidy home, do errands, perform basic chores, and drive themselves to medical appointments? If they are unable to perform these tasks, you may question what you can do. There are other possibilities, but this piece will focus on In-Home Long-term Care in Burlington vs Assisted Living.

What is Assisted Living?

What is Assisted Living?
What is Assisted Living?

Assisted living is a sort of senior care facility that offers assistance with daily activities. This sort of facility may or may not provide daily medical care, unlike nursing homes. In assisted living facilities in Brampton or assisted living Edmonton facilities, residents may have separate rooms or share a room with another senior.

As a resident of an assisted living facility, your loved one becomes a member of the community; he or she can participate in community events, form social circles, and establish a routine. Common services provided by Assisted Living Facilities are transportation, housework, laundry, and some medical care. Assisted living communities are primarily designed to help people remain mobile, active, and safe. While these are all advantages of assisted living communities, residents have less privacy and autonomy.

What is Home Health Care?

What is Home Health Care?
What is Home Health Care?

Home care is significantly different from assisted living facility care. If possible, the majority of individuals want to age in place in their own homes, and some older people like receiving care from a professional in the quiet of their own home. Each individual has their own preferences, and some may not want to be among strangers or simply prefer their own space.

In-Home Care enables an individual to get assistance with everyday duties while remaining in their own, familiar environment.

Pros and Cons of Home Health Care

The disadvantage of in-home senior care is that it may be obtrusive or bothersome for other household members. Then the question is how much does 24/7 In-Home Care cost? Depending on the level of care required, live-in home care costs vary significantly. Typically, In-Home Care services providers are compensated on an hourly basis, with rates varying according to the type of care offered.

Duties may include cleaning up clutter, doing the laundry, or providing medical aid. Staying in one location while getting care allows a senior to live with family members who do not require the same degree of care. Numerous individuals would like to age in place if feasible, and this is by far the greatest benefit of In-Home Care.

Also, with live-in caregivers, the senior gets tailored and professional care. This is cheaper than assisted living facilities as it provides 1 to 1 care benefit and allows bonding between the senior and caregiver which is great for recovery.

Advantages and disadvantages of assisted living

Advantages and disadvantages of assisted living
Advantages and disadvantages of assisted living

The most significant benefit of assisted living is 24-hour care and supervision. Facilities are designed to give your loved one safety, nutritious meals, workout programmers, 24-hour housekeeping and laundry services.

On the other hand, In-Home Care allows an individual to remain with their family in a familiar atmosphere. In-Home Care also allows seniors to preserve autonomy and routine control. The disadvantages of assisted living include separation from home and family (which might induce stress, anxiety, or loneliness), lack of freedom, and lack of routine control. Another disadvantage is that assisted living facility does not provide customized care or care by the same caregiver so there is no bonding. The facility will be treating the senior as invalid and curtail their freedom to go outside the facility.

In Canada, there are Home Care Agencies that place Live-in Caregivers with the senior. That means that someone is always with the seniors and can care for them. Night care can be discussed with the live-in caregiver. A live-in carer can drive, clean, do meal preparation and cleanup, make sure the elderly take medication on time and so much more.