How to Draw Glasses. People wear glasses for many different reasons. Some somebody uses them to help them see, while others wear them as a style assertion!

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Dark glasses can help protect the eyes from the sun, while special goggles can help protect the eyes of those who work with hazardous materials. Since everyone is familiar with some shapes of glasses, many would love to learn how to draw glasses so they can design their cool glasses!

How to Draw Glasses

Step 1

Let’s start with the eyeglass frames with this eyeglass drawing guide. Specifically, in this particular step, we’re going to do the left side. The glasses’ sides are formed by curved lines along with the straighter ones on the side. Make sure you leave a small blank space in the top right corner of the glasses, as that is where we will be adding the bridge of the glasses.

Step 2

In this phase of the glasses design, we draw the bridge and the right side of the glasses frame. For the bridge, you can use two curved lines from the left side of the frame. Then you can draw the right frame, identical to the one drawn in the previous step. So you get a nice set of matching frames for your glasses. Once you’re done, move on to the next step!

Step 3

The thin part of the glasses that extends from the frame and over the ears is called the temples, and we’re going to draw the first one now.

The first extends from the left side of the glasses and is drawn with curved lines to create the thin rod of the glasses design. It ends up being curved extra heavily for the part over the ear.

Step 4

You’ve designed a temple for your glasses, so you should have no trouble drawing another temple in our glasses drawing guide step.

Just draw the other stirrup on the right side, as you did in the previous step, to finish the stirrups. Finally, you can draw additional lines along the sides to give the glasses the appearance of thickness.

Step 5

Before we move on to the final stage of eyewear design, we need to add a few more details. The main thing is to add the lenses to the glasses. These are drawn with squares with rounded corners inside the frames of the glasses. Then, as you can see in the reference image, there are just a few more lines inside the temples to refine the details of the glasses.

Draw Glasses

Now that you’ve added these final details, you can add a few before moving on to the final step. You could use many fun ideas to add a twist to this design. One thing you could do when you are feeling more creative would be to draw a face with glasses. Maybe you could draw a selfie to show yourself wearing them! You can also draw clips or accessories on it or draw them on a table with other objects.

Step 6

Now that you’re done designing your glasses let’s bring your design to life with some pretty colors! For our reference image, we used some blue to tint it. This is just one of the many options available to you to colorize your photo, so let your creativity run wild! Glasses can be any color, so this is a great opportunity to use some of your favorite bright colors in your photo.

Glasses Drawing

Once you’ve decided on the colors you want to use, You can have fun deciding what artistic mediums you will use to bang them. If you want a more subdued image, mediums like watercolor or colored pencils can be good options. If you want to go the other route and have bright, vibrant colors, acrylic paints or crayons are good choices.

Your Glasses Drawing is Finished!