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Do you have a Netflix subscription? Here are some tips that will help you make the most of your viewing experience:

  1. Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down

Liked the last movie you watched? Rate it by hitting the thumbs-up button. In a similar fashion, you can also rate the TV shows and movies you didn’t like by pressing your thumbs down.

  1. Watch New Content Using ‘Play Something’

Exhausted after a long day at work? You can skip the search and let Netflix play a new TV show or movie you haven’t seen before. If you’re watching from your TV, the ‘Play Something’ feature can be found in the menu while you’re selecting a profile.

  1. Adjust the Subtitle Appearance

Want to change the color of your subtitles? You can do so through the Subtitle Appearance menu which allows you to make adjustments on the font, size, shadows, and even the background color for the subtitles and closed captions.

  1. Check Who’s Signed In to Your Account

Not sure if your account has been shared with many other people? Having so many people using your account can affect your algorithm. Sign out untrusted devices and users and change your password.

  1. Use Other Terms When Searching for Titles

Don’t remember the title of the movie or TV show you had in mind? You can search using an actor’s name or even some keywords from the plot.

You can also visit for a list of Netflix movies that will help you with your search.