Bad breath in pets sounds like a common issue but if it doesn’t go off in a while, it might turn into a wicked breath and is concerning. The good news is that these dental diseases are completely preventable. There are many ways by which you can keep your pet’s teeth and gums in a healthy position. As we need dental appointments, our pets need it too, and thus with the help of some preventive measures and necessary actions we can get rid of bad breath in our pets. If your pet does not tolerate the brushing well, you may need to consider professional cleaning which is done at the emergency animal clinic to serve them hospitality at any time and with all the proper safety measures but there are even more ways that we can utilize to get rid of bad breath.

  1. Brush Their Teeth In A Correct Manner: The International organization for pets i.e. Veterinary Oral Health Council recommends certain dental products so that the teeth can be cleaned efficiently. Remember not to make use of any human toothpaste as they contain fluorides which can be harmful to animals. Instead, make use of pet toothpaste and there are a lot of options and varieties available in the market. If you are finding it difficult to brush your pet’s teeth, try appointing a groomer who is specifically skilled for this particular job.
  2. Make them chew and chomp: Dental science has been effective in making certain playful toys for pets that also help in promoting their oral health. Certain rubber toys allow you to hide even dog toothpaste inside their mouth so that their oral health is maintained. As the pets keep on chewing their toy, their teeth get cleaned and their breath gets even fresher.
  3. Try consulting a vet: Most of the pets in households are dogs and dog emergencies can happen anytime. A new study has revealed that almost 80% of pets develop dental issues by the age of 3 with as many pets developing the signs of inflammation. Inflammation is an indication of early periodontal disease and it can be spotted even at the age of 3 months. Try consulting a vet, every six months or in a year, and in case of any emergency, you can contact a hospital that provides impeccable services also referred to as an animal hospital 24 hours.
  4. Add Yogurt to your pet’s diet: You can add some plain yogurt to your pet’s daily food nourishment but do make sure to only add plain yogurt that has no added fruity flavors and definitely no sugar substitutes should be present even in smaller doses. Sugar substitutes are toxic and can be deadly for pets. Also, remember the amount of yogurt you give, you shouldn’t give your pet more than a teaspoonful or two. Most pets are lactose intolerant and they barely digest dairy products, this is why only a small serving of yogurt is recommended.
  5. Use of water additives: Water additives that fight against bad breath are becoming common among the owners as they are safe and easy to use. Dental formulas are used to create water additives for pets. They are also cheap and if your pet keeps running away from the toothbrush, it can then be considered a great option for keeping them hygienic orally.
  6. Dental sealants: You need to closely monitor your pet while he or she is facing some oral issues. You have to keep checking if there are possible chances of decay, some pets are susceptible and vulnerable to decaying while facing bad breath problems and therefore you must ask for dental sealants to treat your pets effectively. These dental sealants can be found in a vet medical store or veterinary hospital and emergency veterinary clinic.
  7. Use of rawhide bones: Rawhide bones are made for dogs and cats and they are a great way to prevent plaque. Plaque helps in Excessive buildup of tartar and causes bad breath. Use rawhide bones till they are soft and once they tend to become hard, replace them with a new one. Most of the time indigestion and an upset stomach are also the causes of bad breath, in that case, a special tea made of ginger and boiled water without the milk can be served while it’s lukewarm in nature. This will help promote your pet’s digestion and remove the possibility of bad breath.

Final Thoughts

By following the above-mentioned tips, you can ensure that your pet doesn’t have a bad breath problem, allowing them to stay healthy. This will also enable a pleasant time with your pet. In case of any further queries or questions, we suggest you look out for a reliable source of information or book an appointment with a nearby vet to be on the safer side.