Growing your own coffee beans at home may seem intimidating, but the process is actually pretty simple. In fact, you don’t even need to own your own home to do it! You just need a garden or other outdoor space where you can grow the coffee bean plants and some patience as they mature over several months before you can harvest and roast them yourself. This guide will teach you how to grow your own coffee beans at home so that you can save money while getting the freshest-tasting coffee possible!

Why grow your own?

There are two main reasons you might want to grow your own coffee beans. First, it can be a fun hobby—it’s kind of like gardening with a beverage. If you have an interest in agriculture and botany, then growing coffee is something different you can try out. And second, if you live far from civilization and rely on instant coffee for all your caffeine needs, then there’s not much point in spending money on prepackaged beans when you can just buy some soil and plant some beans yourself!

Things you’ll need

Germinate coffee beans – Take a piece of paper towel and moisten it with water. Put a few coffee beans on it, place them in a dark place (not direct sunlight), and wait for one or two days. Make sure that you change the water regularly so that it does not dry out too much. When you see new green sprouts coming out of your bean, it means that your bean has started germinating, or growing its first leaves!

Planting your seed

If you’re hoping to grow your own coffee beans, you’ll need a green thumb and patience. But with a little effort, anyone can cultivate their own beans. What better way is there to ensure that you always have fresh coffee on hand? If you’re wondering how many plants it takes before you start seeing results, don’t worry—planting coffee trees is incredibly easy! Just follow these simple steps

Water and growth

The first step in how to grow your own coffee beans is to water them correctly. Watering correctly, will ensure that your plants produce healthy and plentiful amounts of green beans. The amount of water that you need depends on several different factors, such as, climate conditions, type of soil used and whether or not you’re growing outdoors or indoors. For example, if you’re growing in an indoor greenhouse with artificial light there are specific watering needs than if you are growing in an outdoor field with natural sunlight. Regardless of where they are grown or what type of growth method is used there are a few guidelines when it comes to watering your plants which help yield large amounts of healthy green coffee beans.

Also Read: Red Eye Coffee 

Caring for your plant

Before planting your beans, you’ll need a pot or a planter and some growing medium. You can buy pre-mixed soil in a bag or make your own by combining compost, sand, and peat moss in equal parts. Some people like to add vermiculite for drainage. If you want your plant to be indoors, try adding oyster shells as they absorb excess moisture and will help keep mold away. Plant two seeds per pot – one right next to another – but don’t give them too much space between plants as they may not thrive due to competition for sunlight.

Harvesting your crop!

At some point, you’ll need to harvest your crop. While you could use a sharp knife and carefully remove each bean by hand, a cleaver will make short work of trimming the coffee shrub’s branches. Pick over your shrub and remove any discolored or soft beans before drying them in an area with lots of airflow. Roast them in small batches so that they remain very hot until you’ve finished roasting all of them. Once roasted, store your freshly harvested beans immediately in an airtight container until you’re ready to grind them and brew your first cup! A word of caution: If it’s humid where you live, keep your freshly roasted beans inside—condensation can cause mold growth on coffee beans.