How to Make a Boutonniere and Corsage

DIY wedding couples often come to us asking for advice on how best to display their love at a big event like an outdoor ceremony. Of course, we are more than happy to offer our assistance! The two most popular flower arrangements – boutonnieres and corsages- serve as important symbols that honor those who have been key parts of your life throughout the years: from Mother of Bride or Groom down through Ring Bearers; everyone deserves special recognition with these tokens representing gratitude in some way.

Making your own floral arrangements is a great way to save money on wedding flowers and it can come in handy for other events as well. You may need these flower enhancements at proms(school balls), galas, or date nights later down the road! Adding some colorful blooms takes an ordinary outfit into extraordinary territory while highlighting personal style all at once.

Create the perfect arrangement for your special day with this easy tutorial. We’ve developed a step-by-step guide that will have you design and create beautiful flower arrangements in no time! Check out our post to learn how to make a corsage

How To Make A corsage

1.) Gather Your Boutonniere Supplies

To create a floral arrangement that is both beautiful and functional, you will need the following tools: 


  • Scissors
  • Floral Tape
  • Ribbon
  • Pins

2.) Gather Flowers and Greens

Now that you’ve got the basics down, let’s talk about how to make your DIY boutonniere even better. First things first: order some flowers! Our favorite types are Lateral Greenery for their long stems and two filler flower options like Queen Anne’s lace or bachelor button (we used it in this example). You can also use one-two focalizes – these large bouquets usually have a single flower at their center but serve as emphasis points when placed together instead; we love using white rose bushes here because they’re so classic. 

As you explore how to make a boutonniere, it might be worth considering ordering flowers in bulk so that your arrangements can last longer and cost less. You could start off shopping by color or try one of these DIY flower combos which come with an assortment of colors for matching any style!

3.) Cut Your Stems to the Length of Your Boutonniere

To make your arrangements even more lush and full, cut each stem down to 1.5 inches in length for a really natural look!

4.) Strip Off Extra Leaves

To make your arrangements even more lush and full, cut each stem down to 1.5 inches in length for a really natural look!

5.) Place Your Greenery and Focal Flower

To give your arrangement a more natural look, arrange one to two stems of lateral greenery behind the focal flower. Secure with tape for an authentic feel!

6.) Add Some Filler Flower

Fill in the gaps with a little filler to give your arrangement some depth. Secure this addition using floral tape for added protection against snags and breaks!

7.) Continue Layering

To create a more natural-looking arrangement, add another type of filler flower and then focal flowers. Continue layering greenery with these additions until you achieve your desired look by taping all stems together at their bases or trimming them as needed so they stand up straight without being too bulky in size.

8.) Finish Your Boutonniere with Ribbon and Pins

Make a boutonniere by taping the stems, then wrapping them in the ribbon. Start at the bottom and wrap around until you reach where it starts on your flower; tie off with another knot or pin whatever suits your fancy best!

If you are looking for the boutonniere near you then visit Corsage With a Twist.