Every year, more than 1.2 million people fly on commercial flights in the United States. In 2003, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported an average of 275 cases of serious respiratory illnesses caused by airborne particles from such flights annually. These illnesses are known as “covid” (short for contagious airborne illness) or Fit to Fly Covid Test.

There are many steps you can take before and during your flight to reduce your risk of contracting covid. These include washing your hands with soap and water and avoiding touching your eyes, nose, or mouth. However, these steps may not always be enough. This article will provide you with some guidance about how to protect yourself from covid and what to do if you get sick on a plane.

Covid Overview

What is covid? Covid is a type of cold that is contagious and can be spread on airplanes. There are five types of covid: pandemic flu, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), tuberculosis, measles, and influenza.

Who is at risk for covid? Anyone who flies commercial airlines could contract covid, but children under the age of two are most often affected.

What symptoms indicate the presence of covid? A dry hacking cough and a fever over 101 degrees Fahrenheit.

How do I protect myself from contracting covid? The best ways to protect yourself from contracting covid are to wash your hands before and after flights frequently with soap and water, avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth during flight (keeping in mind that these items may not always be available on the plane), drink fluids to stay hydrated while flying (at least 8 ounces every hour), and eat salty foods before you fly to help prevent dehydration.

How to Prevent Covid

It’s important to take steps before and during your flight that will reduce your risk of contracting covid. These include washing your hands with soap and water and avoiding touching your eyes, nose, or mouth.

However, these steps may not always be enough. If you are concerned about whether you’re healthy enough to fly, talk to your doctor and get a physical examination before getting on the plane. Additionally, if you are the traveler who is most at-risk for contracting covid (such as someone with asthma or diabetes), bring a note from your doctor that explains why you need assistance while flying. This will allow the airline staff to offer you assistance when needed throughout the flight.

As an added precaution, there are three things you can do that may help prevent covid:

-If possible, sit at least five rows from other passengers

-Avoid sitting by the window or near a vent

-Bring your own snacks for flights lasting more than two hours

What to do if you get Covid on a Plane

If you get covid on a plane and it’s not severe enough to land the aircraft, the worst thing you can do is ignore the symptoms. This can lead to serious complications from sickness when flying. It’s important to tell someone about your symptoms as soon as possible and request medical attention. If your symptoms are severe enough to land the aircraft, you should immediately notify the pilot or flight attendant and follow their instructions for emergency procedures.

Covid is an illness that has many different causes, which means there isn’t always a specific way to prevent it from happening. However, there are some simple steps you can take that may lessen your chances of getting covid while flying. The first step is knowing what symptoms mean you should stop flying and seek out medical attention.

If you experience any of these symptoms, inform your captain or call flight attendants immediately: difficulty breathing, chest pain or tightness, persistent cough with fever or chills, sore throat with fever or chills, nausea or vomiting (especially if they last longer than 24 hours), high fever above 102 degrees Fahrenheit (38 degrees Celsius), headache with stiff neck and sensitivity in light (photophobia). You should also avoid contact with others who have these same symptoms on long flights if at all possible. If you don’t want to fly but feel like something might be wrong with you before boarding the plane, then call ahead and tell them about your concerns before getting on board so they can make arrangements for boarding


Covid is a very rare condition but it is important to know how to treat it if it happens.