Why should homeowners own air compressors? In fact, the reasons are many. They one of the home improvement tools that have a wider array of uses than it seems. Compressors are much more useful than just inflating tires and powering some workshop tools. This versatile tool can be used to keep your home clean by blasting off dust and debris from surfaces. It can also help you to accomplish mechanical and craft work by powering tools such as nail guns, roofing nailers, impact wrenches, drills, staplers, and brad guns. The motivation is that we are living in an era where homeowners can accomplish most of their tasks without involving professionals.

You’ve finally decided to own an air compressor? Even if you’ve made up your mind to acquire one, you still need to clearly figure out what the best air compressor for home use is. The first step is to ascertain your needs and then proceed to pick an air compressors Sharjah that sufficiently satisfies your needs. However, the process of making the best choice is usually very difficult. It’s difficult because there is too much information and guides on the internet, which tends to confuse prospective buyers. The following is a guide on how to select a good product.


First, consider the PSI (pounds per square inch) rating of the compressor. For general inflation requirements, the most suitable PSI rating should be at least 90. This rating is sufficient to operate one or two small tools. However, consider a higher PSI rating if you intend to power multiple or bigger tools with a compressor.


The second thing to consider is the CFM (cubic feet per minute) capacity. CFM is the measure of volume of air released. The recommended minimum value is 3 to 4 CFM. However, you need a higher CFM if you want to run multiple tools with the compressor.

Tank Size

The third focus is on the tank size. Ideally, all the specifications are based on the nature of work done by the compressor. For a compressor that is used to power big or heavy tools, bigger tanks are necessary. For compressors that are to be used more frequently, a small tank with a large motor is the best combination.

Where Will It Be Used?

Our fourth focus is on the environment in which the compressor is to be used. For indoor purposes, gas-powered air compressors are not suitable because of the exhaust fumes. This paves way for electric-powered compressors. Electric-powered compressors are suitable in both indoor and outdoor applications. The only thing that can limit the use electric-powered compressors to a particular area is lack of electric power outlet. Portability is also a factor when it comes to the environment. If you don’t require much portability, then you can choose a compressor that is mountable on a more stable and permanent area.

Quality and Durability

Lastly, you need to consider the quality and durability of the materials and features. For instance, compressors that are made of cast iron are quite durable. Other than being durable, they are also reliable for outdoor applications. Pure cast iron is capable of withstanding the cold and harsh outdoor environments. Stainless steel is used to build parts such as the finger valves in order to make them less exposed to corrosion. Check the quality of other features such as oil monitoring features, cast cylinders, cooling system, etc. For example, separate cast cylinders are known to lengthen the life of an air compressor.