ADHD or attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder can be diagnosed in teens. If you think your teen has ADHD, here are some of the signs that you should look out for. Get your child the help they need if it turns out that they have ADHD. With about 3 million teens in the U.S. being diagnosed with ADHD, yours might be one of those numbers. Also, boys are much more likely to be diagnosed with ADHD than girls.

ADHD: What Does It Look Like in Teens?

If any of the following signs occur in tandem or one after another, you’ll need to start looking for a recovery facility that offers programs. Start with the ones that provide ADHD online treatment. Online consults are convenient and ideal.


Your child can’t pay attention to any details. They make careless mistakes in their homework or school projects. They have a hard time staying focused. If your child is easily distracted, always loses things, and is forgetful even while performing daily activities, that could be a sign of ADHD.


We all have our highs and lows. But if your child switches from those highs and lows much too frequently, that may point to an underlying condition, like ADHD. If your child squirms or fidgets often, talk too much, and they can’t play quietly, blurts out answers, and more, have your little one checked for ADHD. It might turn out to be nothing so that you can put your mind at ease. But if the diagnosis is correct, your teen can receive proper treatment as soon as possible.

Just Unmotivated

Some parents are wary of thinking their child has ADHD, believing that they might be unmotivated. However, it’s important to know that ADHD is a brain disorder. If this is the case for your teen, your little one will have a hard time managing his motivation.


In some cases, though, teens with ADHD may show a degree of hyperfocus—almost an obsession—with something they like. If this happens, your teen will have a hard time switching to a different activity or task. Some never outgrow their love or fascination with a certain task or activity.

What are the Risk Factors?

Go over the usual risk factors, so you’ll know what to expect. If the child is born prematurely, has parents or a family member with ADHD, has been exposed to tobacco prenatally, and has an unstable home environment, those factors will make the child more likely to develop ADHD.

What are the Treatments?

There are several treatment options for ADHD:

• Medication
• Therapy
• School involvement
• Support groups

Where Do You Go for Treatment?

Find a trustworthy recovery facility that offers ADHD treatment services. Be sure to ask the facility about their program. Do they provide a personalized care plan? How long will it take? How much will the program cost and what can you expect in terms of help and services for your child? Ask and find out, so your teen can receive the best treatment possible.