So you want to start your own blog but you don’t know where to begin? Well, you’re in luck! Starting a blog is one of the easiest ways to create content that audiences will love reading. Whether you want to start a blog as your own personal online journal or eventually have it become a more professional presence for your business, there are plenty of benefits to having one as well as many different ways to do so. In this article we will discuss some great tips for how you can start your own blog and build links from day one.

Decide Why You Want to Start a Blog

Before you dive headfirst into writing your first blog post, you’ll want to take some time to think about why you want to start a blog in the first place. There are a few reasons you may want to start a blog, but the most important one is to create and distribute useful content to an audience. That’s right, the reason you want to start a blog is so you can create content that your readers will love. There are many benefits of blogging that make it a great medium for business. First, blogging is a fantastic way to build an online audience. This allows you to engage your readers and encourage them to stay informed about your brand and interests.

Create Your Blog Name and Domain

Your blog’s name and domain are two important components of starting your own blog. Before you create either of these, you’ll want to consider what you want your blog’s name to be. Your blog’s name and domain are the two things you’ll likely use to find your blog online. Your blog name is what people will type into a search bar to find your blog. It’s one of the most important things you’ll choose for your blog, so make it memorable! Your domain is the address of your blog that is used to find it on the internet. This can be the same as the name of your blog, but it doesn’t necessarily have to be.

Write the First Blog Post

Once you have your domain and blog name figured out, it’s time to create your first blog post. While you’ll likely want to write at least one blog post per month, the best way to start is with a quick, 8-10 sentence summary of your topic. You can then write an introductory paragraph or two that explains a little about your topic and what makes it interesting for readers. Once you’ve got the basics down, you can move onto writing your post. Write your post before you publish it, and don’t publish it until you feel like it’s at its best. You may need to edit your post as you go to make it the best it can be. Make sure to title your post, include a good description, and use keywords that are related to your topic.

Add Links to Your Site

While you’ll want to publish a post before you add any links to your site, once you’ve finished your first post make sure to add links to it! Your blog post can include links to other blog posts on your site, to posts on other sites, or even to your social media profiles. Adding links to your site will help build authority for your blog, and it will also direct readers to your site from social media profiles.

Use Google’s blogging tools

Google has a suite of blogging tools that make it simple to start a blog and publish content. These tools include a blog name and domain generator, as well as analytics options that allow you to track traffic to your site as well as reader retention. Google’s blogging tools make it easy to start a blog, as well as manage it once you’ve started. Once you’ve created your blog, you can use the Domain Manager add-on to transfer your domain to your blog’s name and manage your DNS settings. Used alongside Google’s Blogger app, you can publish your content directly to your blog from any computer. This makes it easy to start your blog from any device.

Use Other SEO Strategies

At this point, you may be wondering if your blog is properly set up for SEO. While it is helpful to have your domain and blog setup for SEO, you will likely want to use additional tactics to get your blog ranked by Google. First, make sure to include your target keywords in your posts and linking to other sites. Use your blog’s title and description settings to include your keywords. Build out a back-end post publishing system so you can easily add posts to your site. Try using Google’s Structured Data Markup to get your site’s pages properly marked up with markup.


Starting your own blog is a great way to create content that readers will love. Once you’ve got your blog name and domain figured out, you can publish quick posts, add links to your site, and use Google’s blogging tools to get your blog up and running. You’ll want to keep an eye on your posts and links to make sure they’re up to snuff, as well as use additional SEO strategies like hybrid traffic to get your blog shown to prospective readers on the search engines. While it can be intimidating to start your own blog, it can also be a rewarding experience. You’ll be able to create content that has a direct impact on your readers and build your online reputation in the process.