Your home is an investment. Your home should be comfortable and beautiful. No matter how often your home is painted or cleaned up, pests can cause severe damage. Often, the damage is not noticed until an inspection or appraisal is done. Our pest control in Stourbridge company can help you identify potential problems and how you can prevent them.

Termites Cause Structural Damage

Although it may not appear to be the biggest problem, it is often the most severe. Subterranean termites in North Carolina are common. Termites dig underground for food and to build tunnels. They could be digging in your soil or crawl space, or tunneling underground for food and to chew flooring joints. One colony could quickly grow to become thousands, and can chew through walls studs or flooring. This can lead to a dramatic decrease in your home’s value, and could require structural repairs that could run into the thousands.

Carpenter Bees Damage Your Exterior Wood

Termites can destroy wood elements, but they’re not the only problem. Carpenter bees can make hollow tubes in wooden decking and support beams by digging into them. Carpenter honeybees may make ugly holes in your wood, even though they don’t have many bees. Multiple bees could cause damage to wooden railings and posts.

Rodents can cause electrical problems

Rodents prefer dry, warm areas that are easy to access for food. Even large rats and mice can squeeze through tight spaces to get into your home. Once inside, they will chew the wires of your home. Rodents will keep growing their teeth. Rodents will chew on wires inside your home. You can hold them between your walls.

This could lead to fire hazards and property damage. Contact an electrician immediately if you are concerned about wiring damage, such as flickering lights or a faulty outlet.

Mosquitoes Nest in Gutters

Although they won’t cause any structural damage to your house, mosquitoes can make buyers suspicious. Standing water, wet leaves, and standing water are the most common causes of mosquito swarming. If your gutters have not been cleaned in a while, this could lead to them becoming a breeding area. To prevent standing water mosquitoes breeding, clean out your gutters.

How do you prevent pest damage at your home

It’s better to prevent pests from entering your home than to repair damage or wait for inspections. You should repair any cracks or broken windows in your foundation where pests could be entering your home.

  • A wood sealant or coating can be used to repel pests.
  • It is important to refinish your deck, railings and other areas regularly.
  • To stop wasps from nesting, install a chimney cap.

Get regular pest control service. Pests can be kept out of your home by regular treatment and barrier sprays. This will keep pests out of your home, and it will also help you to keep it clean.