Duplex 2205 Bolts

When it comes to the production of Duplex 2205 Fasteners, we are the market leader. We export to practically every nation using a quick delivery mechanism. Duplex 2205 fasteners can be up to 5 meters long and come in sizes ranging from M02 to M160, among other specifications. Hex, square, threaded, and round are some of its forms. A high chromium alloy that requires a moderate amount of nickel is used to make duplex stainless steel fasteners.

Duplex 2205 Bolts manufactured of the austenitic-ferritic stainless steel known as Duplex 2205 (EN 1.4462) are intended to have greater strength and corrosion resistance than stainless steels from the 300 series. It aids users in preventing stress corrosion cracking, which is frequently observed with 316 and 317 steel. Bolts made of duplex 2205 combine the ferritic alloy’s excellent strength and resistance to stress corrosion cracking with austenitic fabrication capabilities.

Duplex 2205 Strength

Duplex 2205 has undergone reverse bending testing at room temperature in comparison to SS316. According to the findings, Duplex 2205 has a fatigue limit/yield strength that is roughly twice as high.

Duplex 2205 Temperature Capabilities

It is advised to use Duplex 2205 bolts between -50°C and 300°C since they transition from ductile to brittle at -50°C and can become embrittled at temperatures of 300–1000°C. In addition to weakening 2205 bolts, exposure above 300°C also results in decreased corrosion resistance.

Duplex 2205 Corrosion Resistance

Duplex 2205 bolts offer good sulfide corrosion resistance, as well as chloride pitting and crevice corrosion resistance superior to 317L, providing the industry with an improved corrosion alternative to stainless. Duplex 2205 Bolts are advantageous for usage in marine environments, brackish water, bleaching operations, closed-loop water systems, and some food processing applications because they offer good protection against crevice corrosion and chloride pitting. It is crucial to remember that when oxidizing media are present, pitting corrosion can be a problem in chloride solutions. The Duplex 2205 material’s passive (protective) layer may become degraded in these circumstances, leading to localized pitting.

Duplex 2205 Uses

Duplex 2205 bolts are used in the chemical industry for pipes, storage containers, and processing machinery. Duplex 2205 bolts are preferred by the pulp and paper industry for use in digesters, bleaching machinery, stock-handling systems, and liquid tanks. In settings with chloride and hydrogen sulfide, 2205 bolts are used for marine as well as oil and gas extraction and processing.