Hyperhidrosis is a condition where the body produces excessive sweat. The leading cause of hyperhidrosis is lifestyle factors such as working too hard or taking too many baths. While many treatments are available for hyperhidrosis, Iontophoresis machines are a new and effective treatment. Iontophoresis machine use a cool water stream to help reduce your sweating. This therapy can effectively treat hyperhidrosis for people with moderate to severe cases.

How does iontophoresis work?

Iontophoresis machines use a cool water stream to help reduce your sweating. The cool water stream helps reduce the amount of sweat you produce. This therapy can effectively treat hyperhidrosis for people with moderate to severe cases. By reducing the amount of sweat you have, you can protect yourself from heatstroke and other problems that could come with too much sweat.


What are the benefits of using iontophoresis machines?

There are several benefits to using iontophoresis machines. First, the machine uses a low-pressure stream of water to help reduce sweating. This therapy can effectively treat hyperhidrosis for people with moderate to severe cases. Additionally, it can be very discreet, which is essential when treating a large area at once. Iontophoresis machines are also relatively easy to use and require no training.


What are the risks of using iontophoresis machines?

There are a few risks associated with using iontophoresis machines:

  1. There is the potential for skin irritation.
  2. There is the potential for blood vessels to become narrowed and blocked. This can lead to swelling and an inability to sweat.
  3. There is the potential for seizures or fainting during treatment.


What should you do if you start to sweat?

If you start to sweat, it’s important to stop what you’re doing and dry yourself off. If you can, try to put on a shirt or other clothing that covers your body. If you can’t do that, take a hot shower and cool down as soon as possible. Remember to drink water and eat a light snack to help reduce the effect of sweating.


How long will this therapy work for?

The therapy can work for up to 12 hours. This therapy is not recommended for people with severe hyperhidrosis, as it may not effectively treat those with severe cases.


How often should you use the iontophoresis machine?

It would be best if you used the iontophoresis machine every other day. This therapy is especially beneficial in people with medium to severe cases of hyperhidrosis. If you experience any side effects from the machine, please consult your doctor or nurse.



Iontophoresis device can help to reduce sweating and improve hyperhidrosis. If you are starting to sweat, it is recommended to use the machine twice a day. The device should be used for a minimum of 15 minutes at a time and should stop when you are done. Be sure to drink plenty of fluids while using the machine and consult your doctor before starting this treatment.