Eyelash extensions are a beauty treatment that has grown in popularity recently. They are lashes that are glued to your natural lashes to give them a fuller, longer look. Many people love them because they are low-maintenance and can give you a glamorous look without much effort.

However, some people are hesitant to try professional eyelash extensions because they worry they will not be able to have them during surgery.

So in this post, we’ll discuss whether or not it is possible to have eyelash extensions during surgery and what you need to know if you are considering this option.

Is It Possible to Get Eyelash Extensions During Surgery?

You should not put on eyelash extensions or cosmetics when getting surgery. The most significant reason is that they may cause bacterial and fungal infections in surgical sites.

Furthermore, your eyes are covered while under general anesthesia with medical-grade tape. This is done to stop corneal abrasion, scratching, and dry eyes.

Another reason for taping the eyes shut during surgery is to keep the area clean. Any cosmetics or foreign objects on or near the eye increase the risk of infection. And also, coping with the lack of blinking can cause the eyes to dry.

This tape is then removed at the end of the surgery. As a result, when they peel away the tape, you might lose a few false lashes.

So, why not just wait to get your classic eyelash extensions after the surgery is complete?

If you are planning a surgery, it is best to avoid unnecessary beauty treatments beforehand. This includes getting eyelash extensions during surgery.

But, keep in mind that not all surgeries are the same. For example, you don’t always require general anesthesia.

Let’s take a closer look at the frequent surgeries where you might be unsure if preserving your lash extensions is wise.

Eyelash Extensions During BBL Surgery

A BBL procedure, also known as a Brazilian Butt Lift, is a plastic surgery that involves removing undesirable fat from one location of the body and transferring it to the buttocks. Liposuction is used to remove the fat. The fat is then infused into the buttocks. The treatment was created to assist individuals in achieving a curvaceous and perkier backside.

When preparing for surgery, making things as simple as possible for yourself is critical.

Although eyelash extensions may make you attractive, they might get in the way during surgery. Furthermore, the chemicals used in some eyelash extensions might not be suitable for your skin after surgery.

The main reason why eyelash extensions aren’t advised during BBL surgery is that they might cause an infection. During plastic surgery, there is always a chance of infection.

Eyelash Extensions During C-Section

Eyelash extensions can provide a boost to one’s self-esteem. On the day of delivery, many women want to look their very best (or on any other significant occasion!)

But what if the delivery doesn’t go as planned and you need a C-Section? Could you preserve your eyelash extensions during C-Sections?

Although most C-sections are performed under regional anesthesia, occasionally general anesthesia is required. And as we discussed earlier, you should not put on cosmetics when getting surgery requiring general anesthesia.

Eyelash Extensions During Rhinoplasty

A rhinoplasty is a popular cosmetic operation that aims to alter the form of a person’s nose. It is most often used to modify the nose’s shape. During this operation, the surgeon will make cuts in the nose, peel off or add tissue as needed, and then reattach everything.

Although a rhinoplasty doesn’t interfere with your eyelash extensions, you should still take them off before the surgery. The chemicals in the glue might cause an allergic reaction. Furthermore, if you have any skin reaction, it could complicate the surgery.

Eyelash Extensions During Eye Surgery

Eyelash extension providers will have a set of standards for you to adhere to. It’s best to contact your surgical center to find out what their policies are regarding eyelash extensions.

Most eye surgeries require you to take off your eyelash extensions. The main reason is to avoid any risk of infection. However, even though the surgeon will take every precaution to avoid contact with your lashes, there is a chance that something may go wrong.

Another concern is that the glue used for the extensions might cause an allergic reaction. This can complicate the surgery.

It is most pleasing to play it safe and remove your eyelash extensions before any eye surgery.

Eyelash Extensions During Pregnancy

Getting eyelash extensions while pregnant may sound appealing, but there are a few reasons you should wait until after the birth. If you are pregnant, your body may be more sensitive to the chemicals in lash extensions.

If you are sensitive or have an allergy to lash glue, putting on eyelash extensions may be uncomfortable. Another thing to consider is that you’ll sleep for an extended time.

The average time to apply eyelash extensions is 1.5-2.5 hours. You should avoid laying on your back after week 20 of pregnancy. So getting eyelash extensions during pregnancy may not be the most comfortable thing to do.

It is best to wait until after birth to get eyelash extensions.

Eyelash Extensions During MRI

Are tiny magnets in eyelash extensions a concern for individuals undergoing MRI? Yes, there is a chance that the magnets in the false eyelashes could be attracted to the metal in the MRI machine.

This could cause the lash extensions to be pulled off. If this happens, it could lead to an eye injury.

It’s best to remove your eyelash extensions for an MRI.

Do You Have To Remove False Lashes Before A Procedure?

If you have planned surgery and wear false lashes, you may wonder if you should remove them before the operation. The same reasons that apply to eyelash extensions also apply here. The danger that the machine will pull them off or you may have an allergic reaction to the glue is present.

You should remove false lashes before surgery.

How Many Days Before Surgery Should You Remove Eyelash Extensions?

It is advised that eyelash extensions be removed at least one week before surgery in most situations. This time is required because the chemicals used to remove the lash extensions might react with surgical chemicals.

It is also important to give the lashes a chance to recover before surgery.

Some people may have an allergy to the chemicals used in lash removal. If you are concerned about this, it is best to consult your doctor.

It is generally best to remove eyelash extensions one week before surgery.

When Can You Wear Eyelash Extensions After Your Surgery?

The general guideline is to hold off until your doctor permits you to get eyelash extensions. This usually depends on how well your body has recovered following surgery.

Following your surgeon’s instructions is critical to getting the greatest postoperative result and avoiding complications.

Let’s take a look at an example:

Eyelash Extensions After Rhinoplasty

After rhinoplasty, most doctors advise you to avoid cosmetics or any facial product for up to three weeks. Even if lash extensions do not come into direct contact with the nose, the application procedure is more of an issue. If pressure is put on the nose during the application process, it could disrupt surgery results.

It’s best to wait until after you’ve healed to get eyelash extensions.

Eyelash Extensions After Eye Surgery

The most frequent procedure is to wait at least one month after the surgery before considering lash extensions.

The main reason is that the surgical area needs to be fully healed before any cosmetic product, including lash glue, can be applied.

If you have doubts, it’s always best to consult your doctor before getting eyelash extensions.

Eyelash Extensions After Other Non-Facial Surgery

If you’re getting non-facial cosmetic surgery, your doctor may allow you to have eyelash extensions in three weeks or less. False lashes, on the other hand, do not usually get approved right away in most situations since there is a higher chance of infections after surgery.

After any surgery, check with your doctor before getting eyelash extensions is always best.

Read here to know if eyelash extensions are appropriate for nurses to wear.

Final Thoughts

If you are scheduled for surgery, removing your professional eyelash extensions is best. This is to avoid any complications that may occur during or after the surgery. It is recommended to wait until you have healed before getting lash extensions. As always, check with your doctor before getting any cosmetic procedure.