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My logical mind had thought for a moment that the reason for the absence of a roof might be an incomplete structure or that the roof might have collapsed at some point in time.

My curiosity was quickly quelled when my eyes fell on a well-structured channel through which water was drained from inside the temple. So the planners must have imagined the open roof of the temple.

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This space may have been used for cultural performances as you can see the primary level seating arrangement on different floors here. It gives the impression of a small amphitheater. Whether the open ceiling was used as a sound rectifier remains to be known.

Standing in the middle of the Rangshila of the Swarga Mandapa, after drenching myself in the beauty and unique architecture of the Swarga Mandap, I turned my gaze towards the temple.

My astonishment knew no bounds when I saw the Trimurti of Sanatan Dharma, Brahma, Vishnu, and Mahesh, all three being contained in a single door frame.

Within the temple, Shiva is the presiding deity, Brahma is seated on the left wall of the temple, and Vishnu is on the right. The astonishing thing is that from this point only these three gods are visible and not the others!

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meeting hall

Separate from the Swarga Mandap, this Sabha Mandap is a part of the main temple. There is an idol of Saraswati Ji on top of its attractive door frame and full urns on both sides.

There are 10 gatekeepers at the bottom of both the panes of the gate. 5 gatekeepers at each door. The statues are fully ornamented and decorated.

These statues are very pleasing even though their maces are broken. Below the door is the statue of the mythical animal Vyala.

There is a sculpture of flower motifs at the intersections of lattice windows, which is a living example of Chalukya architecture. An incomplete Chandrashila is engraved in front of the door.

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The geometric shapes of the Swarga Mandap are repeated within the Sabha Mandap. The only difference is the roof. The Sabha Mandap is covered with a roof.

There are 60 pillars in three perimeters. The final circumference is embedded in the reef. The pillars at the four corners are relatively larger than the rest of the pillars.

On each pillar, you will see a Kirtimukh. If you look carefully, you will come to know that each Kirtimukh is of a different style and the shapes on them are also different.

The figures include peacocks, crocodiles, dancers, vehicles like Garuda, idols like Vishnu and Shiva, sadhus, fruits, flowers, etc. The brilliance of the black basalt stone was no less than that of a mirror.


On some pillars, I saw subtle images. Even such small statues have been engraved with perfect efficiency. Each image is perfect. Even subtle images of Vishnu and Lakshmi were engraved.

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All the ornaments and other ornaments are elaborately present on them. The details of the idols are so clearly visible that we can easily identify them.

I also saw two Jataka stories engraved on the pillars. We too will easily recognize them. There is a story of a crocodile and a monkey and the other is of a grumpy tortoise.

On one of the pillars was a depiction of the spring season. There were also mirror images of dancers and animals.

There were also some illustrations from the epic Ramayana in which Hanuman is depicted with Rama and Lakshmana. The engraved figures on some pillars are incomplete.

There is also a circular Rangshila in the center of the Sabha Mandap. Perhaps here artists performed their art or offered worship in honor of the deity inside the sanctum.

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In one corner there is a statue of Saptamatrika on a single rock. The statue of Bhairav ​​situated on a niche appears to be relatively new.


The most outstanding work of the Sabha Mandap is the statues of the gatekeepers outside the gap. These statues are elaborately ornamented.

The meticulous craftsmanship of the ornaments is giving them a very attractive look. We can see this style of jewelry even today in the markets of Kolhapur. At the top, there is a row of shaved heads.


Beautiful figures are also engraved in the square interval. You can see the door frame of the temple from here. On the right wall of the gap are inscriptions in the ancient Kannada language.

sanctum sanctorum

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We crossed an engraved Chandrashila to enter the sanctum sanctorum. The exquisite craftsmanship of conch shells and crocodiles was done on Chandrashila.

There was an idol of Lakshmi on top of the door frame. The carvings around the gate depicted the cycle of life. Sacred symbols like Purna Kumbh, Makara, Pitcher, Magar, and Peacock were also engraved with them.

The unique feature of the sanctum sanctorum is the sculptures of Madanikas engraved on its walls. Within this sanctum, you will see many madanikas on its walls. Unfortunately, most of the statues are broken.

The two lingas about which I have written earlier, the lingas of Shiva and Vishnu are situated on the base floor of the temple. A priest regularly worships them. These are called Kopeshwar and Dhopeshwar Linga.

Kopeshwar and Dhopeshwar Linga

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As I said earlier, there are two lingas inside the sanctum sanctorum, the first linga is Kopeshwar, the form of Shiva and the second linga is Dhopeshwar, the form of Vishnu.

Vishnu Linga Dhopeshwar is here in the form of Shiva’s wrath destroyer and peace provider. This temple celebrates the moment when Vishnu pacified Shiva’s anger. That is why both Shiva and Vishnu are seated here in the form of Linga.

We saw a unique makeup of Kopeshwar Shivling here. Yogurt and rice! Yes, he was anointed with curd and rice. You must have understood the reason for this also.

Dahi-Bhaat provides coolness. In the summer season from Mahashivratri to Ashadh Shukla Panchami, the Kopeshwar Linga is consecrated with curd and rice every day.

It is called Bhukti Abhishek in the Kannada language and Dahi-Bhaat Abhishek in the Marathi language.

I had never seen such a sweet consecration in any temple before. In the morning, the priest spends 4 hours pouring the idol of Shiva on the linga with curd and rice and making the idols of Ganesh and Nandi around them.

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This tradition is performed daily during these two months. If you want to see the complete makeup of the Kopeshwar Linga, then you should come within these two months and visit the Linga before noon.

Boys and girls studying in nearby schools, wearing their white and pink charkhan uniforms, were coming to the temple to see the deity before leaving for the school in the morning. Seeing this routine of his mind became very happy.

Although the most important and big festival of Kopeshwar Mahadev temple is Mahashivratri. However, on every Monday also a procession of the festival idol of Shiva is taken out in the temple.

outer walls of the temple

The outer walls of the temple are as exquisite and beautiful as the temple itself.

From our point of view, there is a plaque on the walls of the temple with 92 yards of statues that surround the temple. Seeing them, it appears as if they are carrying the entire temple 92 yards on their backs.

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These give a special dimension to this temple. Each yard’s image is different. Their ornaments are different. The deities riding on them are also different.

It is very unfortunate that the invaders have broken the trunks of most of the yards. Looking at some of the statues, whose trunk is still unbroken,

you can guess how beautiful these yards would have looked at some time, raised mangoes and sugarcane. You can also see a similar Gaj plaque in the Akshardham temple of Delhi.

The three walls of the temple have idols of Shiva Parvati with images of Brahma and Vishnu on either side. You will be surprised to see that each statue has a different style.

You will not see any similarity anywhere. The crocodile-shaped Vyalamukh is very beautiful. The water falling from this collects in a unique star-shaped pool.

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Idols of gods and goddesses engraved on the outer walls

The idols of major deities are engraved on the four corners of the Sabha Mandap. You can see Brahma, Vishnu, Ganapati, Murlidhar as Krishna, Shiva, Devi, Bhairav, Bali, Vamana, Chandra, Surya, Ardhanarishvara, Madan, Rati, Saraswati, Ganga, Mahishasuramardini, Nataraja, etc. in different postures.

Many scenes from Ramayana and Mahabharata are also shown, such as Rama with Hanuman, Sita holding the ring, Bhima, Draupadi etc. Most of the deities are depicted as Gajaruda, only Shiva and Parvati are always mounted on their vehicle Nandi.

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There are 5 gatekeepers on either side of each gate of the Sabha Mandap. The idol of the second gatekeeper at the southern gate is broken. Here out of 10 gatekeepers, 7 gatekeepers are women.

Near the gate, there are Sanskrit inscriptions in the Devanagari script, which state that the temple was renovated in 1214 AD by the Sandan Dev of the Yadava dynasty.

The figures of the Sun and Moon are engraved on this inscription. In the scene shown below the inscription, a priest is consecrating a Shivling.

Along with this, there are also Gaumata and Talwar. On the left is a conch, which is the emblem of the Yadavas. As you know, Yadavas are descendants of the Vishnu avatar, Krishna.

You will see the incomplete structure at both the northern and southern gates of the Sabha Mandap. Looking at them, it appears that they were planned but never completed.

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Can we call them now i.e. 21st? century can be completed? Sure. It is necessary to have hands like those skilled in wonderful craftsmanship, who have carved these rocks beautifully.

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