It’s time to level up your laundry game!

So, with that in mind, let’s take a look at a few laundry tools that will instantly up you to a laundry pro, even if you don’t have years of experience.

For common laundry problems, sometimes you just need the right tool!



Do you have whites that are severely yellowed? The kind of yellow that bleach won’t even clean?

Try a bottle of Bluette!


a bottle of Bluette - which is used to brighten white fabrics


Bluette is inexpensive and effective.

Bluette works by turning your whites blue – hence the name, Bluette. And now you’re probably wondering how that makes sense, right?

The shade of blue is so bright, that your eyes perceive it as bright white. It’s basically an optical illusion. And hotels have been using it for years to get a little more mileage out of old yellowed white sheets.

So, put your whites into the washing machine, and then follow the directions. Your yellowed whites will come out bright white!


Stain Remover

We all have a few multi-purpose cleaners and stain removers. And they rarely work – especially for a few stubborn impossible-to-remove stains.

Skip the multi-purpose cleaners, and go with one of the stain-specific cleaners from Carbona!


Carbona Stain Devils stain removers. A lineup of stain removing products


Carbona Stain Devil products are one of those “pro’s secrets”. If you take your stained clothing to a professional cleaner, chances are that they’ll use a Carbona product to remove your nasty stains.

Whether you have blood stains, makeup, grass, coffee, etc. – there’s a Stain Devil cleaner for it.



No More Dryer Sheets

Are you still using toxic dryer sheets?

Enough already! Stop buying dryer sheets, and pick up a set of wool dryer balls!


a set of wool dryer balls which are placed in the drying machine


Wool dryer balls are just that. They’re balls, they’re made of wool, and you throw them into the dryer. And they work! As an added bonus, they don’t contain all of the nasty chemicals that you’ll find in a dryer sheet.

They’ll soften your freshly-washed laundry, and get rid of the static cling. And best of all, you can use them over and over. They usually last for about 1000 loads of laundry. A dryer sheet is good for one load only, so you’re limited to the number of sheets in the box.

Wool dryer balls are unscented, so if that’s your preference, use them as is. If you’d like some added scent, just add a few drops of your favorite essential oil(s) to one of the balls.


Fabric Softener Dispensers

If you’re still using liquid fabric softener, and you love your old-school type of washing machine, at least start using a dispenser ball!


A Downy ball which is used to dispense liquid fabric softener.



Liquid fabric softener is great! And the results are definitely better than drying sheets. But they come with a bit of work – particularly in the older washing machine type.

You wait for the rinse cycle to start, then you add your fabric softener to the load. Which is ok, but you have to sit there and wait. We don’t always have that sort of time or convenience available to us.

This is why a dispenser ball is so effective!


an image showing how to use a Downy dispenser ball


Fill the dispenser ball with fabric softener, seal the ring, and then throw it in with your dirty laundry.

During the rinse cycle, the spinning jars the ring loose, and ball opens up, and the fabric softener flows out – right at the perfect time. No more waiting around!

Pretty cool, right?


ColorCatcher Sheets

Sometimes you’re preoccupied with life. And you throw a colored item with your whites. And you know what happens next.

And sometimes you don’t have the time (or the loose change) to run a separate load of colors and whites.

So, use a ColorCatcher sheet!


Shout ColorCatcher sheets - which are used to wash white and colors together.


The problem with mixed color loads is that some dyes run. They float around in the water and settle on whites. 

A ColorCatcher sheet catches those dyes while they’re in the water, and prevents them from ruining your whites. Problem solved!


Fabric Shavers

Cheaper cotton fabrics tend to pill. Sometimes it’s just from wear and tear. Sometimes it’s just from washing incorrectly.

And all of these pill bumps ruin your favorite shirt, sheet, tablecloth – whatever. But it’s ok. You don’t need to throw out that favorite item. Just get a fabric shaver!

a fabric shaver, which is used to de-fuzz fabrics


A fabric shaver works just like an electric razor for your face, legs, etc.

You run the shaver across the fabric – using as little force as necessary, and the shaver trims the pills off of the fabric. It might take a few runs to completely remove all of the bumps. And it might take you a minute to learn how much pressure to apply.

But they work!