LinkedIn Scheduling With Video Posts

So, how do you schedule LinkedIn video posts? Thinking of a LinkedIn scheduling tool? Oh, you don’t include video in your LinkedIn content marketing strategy? That’s too bad because you are missing out on a very effective ad type on this platform. click here

Were you surprised by that statement? LinkedIn has changed rapidly, and scheduling posts on LinkedIn – especially video ones – should now be a part of your daily work. Let’s grab some more info on video (and other excellent) posts and find a LinkedIn scheduler for you!

How a LinkedIn scheduler can influence your online content marketing strategy

In December 2016, Microsoft completed a $26.2 billion (U.S.) purchase to find ways to take advantage of one of the top social media sites focused on the business world. One significant advantage of the purchase is that users can now utilize the LinkedIn publishing platform – including images and links – to provide content that will be accessible to LinkedIn’s over 400 million registered users.

And from then on, LinkedIn scheduling has become a topic, too – what format of the ad is suitable for your client’s business, how the content should differentiate from other social media, and nevertheless, how a LinkedIn posts scheduling tool can make the process of planning, creating and scheduling easier.

This is a significant breakthrough for online content marketing strategists as LinkedIn users spend expansive amounts of time perusing content on sites of interest. Unfortunately, few social media agencies have jumped on the LinkedIn bandwagon because scheduling posts on LinkedIn can be tricky – keeping track of client approvals, seeing examples of LinkedIn posts before they go live, and managing content scheduling and acceptance.


LinkedIn scheduling made easy with Kontentino

When it comes to scheduling posts on LinkedIn, please take a look at the many convenient features we have built into Kontentino based on our own social media marketing experiences that are designed to help simplify your social media creation, approval, and scheduling workflow:

Sign up for a free 14-day trial of Kontentino and start preparing and scheduling your LinkedIn posts innovatively and straightforwardly.

How to schedule LinkedIn video posts

LinkedIn added an exciting feature that gives you as a marketer a new look at LinkedIn scheduling: now, it’s a platform to share and amplify targeted video content for a professional audience. Use sight, sound, and motion to create a video that tells a story and captivates the audience. Use high-quality video editing services to ensure your videos will be outstanding.

Then use a (not only) LinkedIn scheduling tool – Kontentino – to schedule its “air date .” Video marketing continues to explode as a way to reach customers. Kontentino was the first social media tool on the market to allow you to schedule LinkedIn video posts inside Linkedin. This has proven to be one of our most popular features with users. Viewers retain 95% of a message when they watch it in a video compared to only 10% when reading it in text.

One of the cool things about Linkedin is that after you post a video, you can see audience insights such as your viewers’ top companies, titles, and locations and how many views, likes, and comments your videos are receiving.

LinkedIn carousel scheduling

LinkedIn scheduling is undoubtedly not only suitable for video but also such an excellent format as Carousel Ads. This is a development for Sponsored Content that can help bring a business story to life on LinkedIn. Our LinkedIn posts scheduling tool counts with carousel even more since it allows advertisers to display multiple images in succession in a single ad unit.

Even though you have to schedule the carousel post within the LinkedIn app itself, you will shorten your approval process with the live post preview feature in Kontentino. The diversity is also why a good LinkedIn scheduler makes even more sense here – the more content you have, the more steps you have to take and approve in scheduling. Each image contains its description and destination link so that viewers can quickly swipe through the entire carousel until they come upon something of interest and then easily interact with individual cards.

Carousel Ads can be used to tell a compelling company story, showcase product features, drive website traffic, and generate high-quality leads from interested prospects. Now business marketers can take advantage of this highly engaging content outlet and make their lives easier – Kontentino proved itself also as a LinkedIn posts scheduling tool that enables you to see what the final carousel will look like.

Audience Restrictions

Except for scheduling posts on LinkedIn, sometimes you want to reach a targeted audience as a social media manager. While the other demographics might be necessary for different content, you want to provide information directly to a specific group of prospects.

Kontentino helps accomplish this goal by enabling users to set audience restrictions based on country groups, countries, or languages. That’s something, not any LinkedIn posts scheduling tool can do. 🙂

LinkedIn mentions – are good to remember.

Collaboration helps your company interact and benefit from like-minded partners. If you want to make sure collaborators don’t miss anything or want to give them a shoutout, use your LinkedIn scheduling tool to tag a page in the copy of your LinkedIn post. When you’re in Kontentino, type “@ name of the page” in Kontentino and choose it from your list.

Professional Galleries

The LinkedIn Professional Gallery lets users add photos, videos, slide presentations, press releases/news stories, and Google docs, just as long as they are housed on another online site.

When visitors click on one of the items on your LinkedIn profile, they are taken to a screen where they can see your work or click on a link to the site where the item is located.

Summing up

Having a LinkedIn strategy is essential, and if it’s set up well, it can be very effective. Using a wide variety of promotions. You may benefit if your LinkedIn scheduling doesn’t become a mess. Kontentino quickly helps its users schedule LinkedIn video posts and some of the newest and most exciting LinkedIn marketing opportunities.

You can surely use Kontentino as a LinkedIn scheduler for all the traditional formats like images, text posts, and link posts. It will quickly become one of your content marketing arsenal’s essential social media tools. To help keep everyone working at maximum efficiency, Kontentino is managed with six primary roles:

Media Agency: can see and download social media content

Use the handy manager tools in Kontentino to develop a social media editorial calendar, oversee LinkedIn content creation and planning, provide live post previews, manage multiple social media channels, and get all the insights and social media analytics you need to make sure your LinkedIn marketing strategy is generating maximum results.


Kontentino social media management tool includes LinkedIn Scheduler

More can be done on LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to capture the attention of a target audience. Still, there is an even more effective way of communicating with a business audience. Take advantage of the unique benefits of LinkedIn, and let Kontentino provide you with the ultimate in LinkedIn management.

About Kontentino

Kontentino is a social media management tool that enables social media managers to seamlessly collaborate with clients on and approve social media content and ads. It has been ranked in the Get App category leaders in Social Media Marketing and is a G2 Crowd 5-star “High Performer” for Spring 2021.