veterinarians Spring Hill, TN

Have you just introduced how to use a litter tray to your beloved furry feline? That is a good start because you are trying to give your pet a healthy, happy life as you keep a clean and sanitary home.

But, keep in mind that you may encounter some issues with the use of your cat’s litter tray. Yes, that is right. You may see your cat urinating inappropriately on your window sill or behind your TV set. How is this possible?

Although you have already bought a litter tray for your cat, she may decide not to use it if you have placed it in the wrong location. Cats do not like disposing of their litter in areas where they can be easily disturbed or where it is noisy. Cats also hate to urinate or defecate near their feeding area.

The type of litter you have bought may also be a factor in your cat’s usage. Some felines do not like a covered tray, while others prefer it. Be sure to understand the attitude and behavior of your cat to address her needs and provide for her appropriately.

Persistent litter box issues should warrant an appointment with your veterinarians Spring Hill, TN to make sure that your pet’s behavior is not caused by an underlying health issue.