There are several ways to treat this condition. If you have Type 1 Diabetes, your pancreas will no longer be able to produce the insulin your body needs. Your body will produce less insulin than usual, resulting in high blood sugar levels and potentially dangerous hypoglycemia. The good news is that there are several treatments available for this condition. Using an insulin pump and adjusting your diet are two different ways that can help you manage your diabetes.


When you or a person you loveĀ  is diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes, their immune system destroys the insulin-producing pancreatic cells. Without insulin, glucose levels rise, which damages both nerves and blood vessels. Symptoms of Type 1 Diabetes include abnormal thirst and frequent urination. However, it is important to remember that these symptoms are not always unusual.


For those with Type 1 Diabetes, insulin injections are necessary three to four times a day. Long-acting insulin should be taken at the same time each day, while rapid-acting insulin must be taken 15 minutes before a meal. In addition to taking insulin, people with Type 1 Diabetes must also maintain a healthy diet that is rich in fiber, protein, and carbohydrates. The diet must be balanced and carbohydrates must be monitored on a regular basis.


A diet that is rich in carbohydrates is essential for the care of Type 1 Diabetes. While eating a balanced diet is essential to control blood glucose levels, many diabetics experience a “honeymoon period” in which their sugar levels drop to normal. This is a period of increased insulin need and can last anywhere from a few weeks to a few years. The need for insulin increases again once the “honeymoon period” is over.


There are different types of insulin, some of which work immediately and others which take a few hours to start working. Some types of insulin are more expensive than others, so it is best to talk with your health care team about which type of insulin is right for you. Fortunately, the cost of injectable insulin is lower compared to other methods of administration.


People with Type 1 Diabetes must supplement their insulin level each day. Some insulin is more expensive than others and need to be replaced on a regular basis. The type of insulin you take is very important to your health. A diabetes meal plan is a great way to keep your blood sugar in check. And if you’re pregnant, a diabetes meal plan can be particularly helpful. If your blood glucose is out of control, you need to consider changing your diet.


Diabetics are extremely prone to foot problems. Because their feet contain nerves, they need to make sure their nails are short. It is important to wash their feet thoroughly, wear shoes that fit properly and visit a doctor regularly. During this time, it is also important to check for cuts, blisters, and grazes. Because of the low blood sugar levels, minor injuries may not be visible to a diabetic and take longer to heal. For more cash for your test strips check out –