Farm Silver

Like gold, there are many ways to farm Silver in Lost Ark, but it is not nearly as time-consuming and demanding as farming gold coins. Here, we’ll go over some of the best ways to grind Silver to help you can amass a large amount of Silver in a short time.

What Is Lost Ark’s Silver?

Silver is Lost Ark’s main non-premium currency. These drops from monsters, rewards from quests and dungeons, and the Gold Exchange NPCs. Silver is most common for trading and interacting with NPCs (Faceting, Refaceting, and more). Additionally, silver is a Roster currency. You can’t trade it to other players, but you can use it on all your characters on your server.

How to Farm Silver in Lost Ark?

The fastest and most efficient ways of farming Silver in Lost Ark are listed below:

1. Una’s Task

Una's Task

A daily and weekly quest system will be unlocked once your character reaches the 50th level. Complete these tasks and be rewarded with some silver coins.

2. Chaos Dungeons

Chaos Dungeons reward players with Lost Ark gold. They also grant you significant amounts of Silver. The higher the dungeon difficulty, the higher the reward. Also, to gain more silver, all you need to do is target the mini-bosses who spawn alongside the hordes, as they will drop silver.

3. Cube Dungeons

Aside from entering Chaos Dungeons, Cube Dungeons are also an excellent way to grind for some silver. The Cube is like a gauntlet dungeon where you and your party have to clear several floors of mobs. Cube Dungeons give you chests after completing floors, and every chest can drop silver.

4. Guild Rewards


When you complete Guild Quests, you’ll be rewarded with Sylmael Bloodstones. This item can be exchanged for boxes of silver in the Silmael Bloodstone Exchange.

5. Build NPC Rapport

There’s a system of “Rapport” in Lost Ark, which lets you improve relationships with NPCs by taking certain actions or completing certain tasks. When your relationship gets to a high level of trust, the NPC will give you a reward, often in Silver.

6. Complete Special Adventure Island Events

On Adventure Island, there are special events that you can complete to get rewarded with Silver.

7. Lopang Island

Lopang Island refers to a set of quests from Daily Una that grant an average of 25,000 Silver per completion, provided your character is in Tier 3. If you choose Lopang Island at Tier 1 or Tier 2, you’ll still earn some Silver on the side.

8. Reputation Reward

On top of the reward you receive upon completing a mission, you can also receive an additional reputation reward that usually comes with silver.

What Do You Need Silver For in Lost Ark?

Silver is used for almost everything in Lost Ark. It’s used to purchase gear and weapons, as well as to pay for essential services that improve your character like gear honing and stone faceting.

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