Luxor and Cairo are two of the most popular tourist destinations in Egypt. Luxor is known for its ancient Egyptian ruins, while Cairo is known for its modern sights and attractions. If you are going trip to Egypt, you’ll likely want to visit both Luxor and Cairo. Fortunately, there are plenty of flights between Luxor and Cairo, so you can easily visit both cities on your trip. In this article, we’ll give you an overview of the different airlines that fly between Luxor and Cairo, as well as the flight times and prices. We’ll also share some tips on how to find the best deals on Luxor to Cairo flights. So scroll-down!!

Airlines That Fly Between Luxor and Cairo

There are a number of airlines that fly between Luxor and Cairo. The most popular airlines are EgyptAir, NileAir, and Air Cairo. All three of these airlines offer direct flights between Luxor and Cairo. EgyptAir is the national airline of Egypt and offers the most flights between these two cities. NileAir is a smaller airline that offers direct flights between Luxor and Cairo. Air Cairo is a subsidiary of EgyptAir and also offers direct flights between the two cities.

Flight Times and Prices

The flight time from Luxor to Cairo is about 1 hour and 30 minutes. The price of a flight between these two cities depends on the airline, time of year, and other factors. EgyptAir, NileAir, and Air Cairo all offer flights for around $100-$200 USD. You can usually find cheaper flights if you book in advance or during the off-season.

Tips for Finding the Best Offers

Though if you are looking for the best deals on flights between Luxor and Cairo, there are a few things you can do. First, make sure to book in advance. You can usually find cheaper flights if you book at least a few weeks in advance. Second, check different airlines to see which one offers the best price. EgyptAir, NileAir, and Air Cairo all offer direct flights between Luxor and Cairo, so you can compare prices and choose the cheapest option. Finally, consider flying during the off-season. Although the lights are cheaper during the winter months.

How long is the train ride from Luxor to Cairo?

However, it takes 9h 35m to travel by train from Luxor To Cairo, making it the fastest option. Tickets usually cost $35 – $55, and trains typically depart every four hours. The journey takes just under 10 hours on the faster trains and a bit longer on the slower ones. The first train of the day is the fastest, taking just under 10 hours to reach Cairo. The other two take around 11 hours. All trains are air-conditioned and have comfortable seats. There is a dining car onboard where you can purchase food and drinks. The toilets are usually clean and well-stocked.

The Conclusion

In conclusion, there are many flights available between Luxor and Cairo. EgyptAir is the most popular airline and offers the most flights. NileAir and Air Cairo are smaller airlines that also offer direct flights. The flight time from Luxor to Cairo is 1 hour and 30 minutes. Hopefully, this blog has given you the knowledge you need to book your flight and enjoy your trip to Egypt. If you would like to share your experiences, please leave a comment below. Thank you for reading!