The cold weather is upon us and so is the flu season. If you didn’t already worry about your child and you getting COVID-19 Now you’re dealing with the flu, which is joining the other many respiratory infections to worry about buy ivermectin 6 mg and buy ivermectin 12 mg.

When children return to their in-person schools, a greater amount of children who had no previous exposure to the flu may get exposed and infected. Therefore, it’s more crucial than ever before for children aged 6 months or older to be vaccines to protect themselves from the virus.

“Parents shouldn’t hesitate because the vaccine is safe and can help prevent the flu and all the bad things that go along with it,” said Nathan Price, MD, Pediatric infectious disease specialist at Banner the Banner University Medicine Pediatric Specialty Clinic. “Now is the right time to take it in order to ensure you’re covered ahead of the time when flu season is set to hit. It means there are less patients suffering this winter,, which can be beneficial as we fight COVID-19. Use on buy ziverdo kit and Azee 250

As parents, you’re always looking for to do what’s most beneficial for your child however, you might be a little hesitant about getting a vaccine for the flu following the hearing of stories about the dangers of flu vaccinations in the context of COVID-19. Be assured that these myths are totally false. The flu vaccine is among the most beneficial options you and your family will do this year.

We dispel some flu vaccine myths on the internet. We explain why the flu vaccine is essential to your health as well as the health of the nation.

Myth #1 The flu shot will place my child at a higher risk of contracting COVID-19.

False. The influenza vaccine will not put children at a greater risk of contracting COVID-19 however, it won’t stop the possibility of contracting COVID-19. Flu vaccines are designed specifically to certain strains of influenza virus, which means it will not protect against COVID-19 pills hcqs 200 and hcqs 400.

“There is no experience of this happening and nothing logical to suggest that it is possible,” Dr. Price said. “Sometimes getting one infection makes it easier for you to get another infection, but getting a flu vaccination could help prevent this from happening during flu season.”

It is equally important to everyone who is older and above to get vaccined against COVID-19 as early as they are able to. For a COVID-19 vaccine location near you, visit

MYTH #2 The flu shot may result in a positive test for COVID-19.

False. The flu vaccine will not cause you to test positive for COVID-19 since it does not contain coronavirus. COVID-19, also known as SARS, is a coronavirus and not an influenza virus. That means that the flu vaccine isn’t going to cause your child or yourself to be positive for COVID-19 , or any coronavirus use on dexona tablet and minoz 100.

MYTH #3 The flu shot can make my child sick.

False. The flu shot makes use of just a small portion from the virus and not the entire virus to aid to recognize it and hinder its attempts to penetrate the body. The nasal spray contains the virus in its live form, however, it’s been altered to make sure it does not cause influenza virus.

“It is impossible for the virus parts of the vaccine to cause any infection,” Dr. Price said. “It’s sort of like placing a wanted sign in public places to assist people recognize and report criminals, in order for them to be identified. The image itself isn’t able to be used to commit any crime.”

What is the reason this myth has been around for some time? This could be because, in certain individuals, the vaccine may cause a mild immune reaction that can cause them to feel down for a brief period of time. It is simply a sign that the vaccine is effective, but it’s not the intensity of an actual disease.

A lot of people happen to catch the flu at the time they received the shot (and even before their vaccine was given enough time to stop the spread of infection) So they could think that the shot caused them the virus, but it actually did not.

“The best time to get a flu vaccine is at least two weeks before you are exposed to the virus, because it takes a couple weeks for immunity to kick in,” Dr. Price said. “This is the reason why having your flu vaccination sooner in the time of the year (September/October time frame) before it spreads is essential. If you’re in later season and you’ve not had the vaccine been vaccinated, it’s still an excellent idea to get the vaccination since you could be exposed to the virus at any point.”

Should my family be considering vaccination against the flu this year?

Simple and straightforward Simple: it helps prevent the spread of influenza and saves lives.

“It is so important to get the flu vaccine every year, but especially important during the pandemic,” Dr. Price said. “If your child catches COVID-19 and hasn’t had their flu shot, you don’t want to put them at risk of getting both illnesses at once.”

A flu vaccination could also to save hospital resources that are in short supply in the fight against the spread of the virus.

“We need to take every safety precaution to keep our family and everyone around us safe,” Dr. Price said. “This means getting your flu shots, wearing a mask, social distancing and washing your hands frequently.”

Where do I go to get my child’s vaccination for influenza?

Contact your child’s primary healthcare provider to arrange the flu vaccination as soon as you can. Many medical insurance plans as well as Medicaid offer childhood immunizations including the flu shot.

If it doesn’t and you aren’t able to make the payment in full, don’t fret. There are some places that offer low-cost or free vaccines like your local health department local churches and numerous employers. see areas in your region which offer shots against influenza.