Neck pain is frequently linked to medical conditions such as arthritis or degenerative disc disease, although these may not always be the root causes.

While genetics and age play a part in the development of neck pain, some lifestyle factors might also increase the probability of its occurrence. Unlike heredity and age, though, you can influence these lifestyle factors.

Here’s how your lifestyle is fuelling your neck pain symptoms and how you can treat them.

Causes of Neck Pain

1. Poor Sleeping Position 

Your sleeping posture significantly impacts your spine health. It’s better to sleep on your back or sides as that helps maintain a neutral spine position. You must avoid sleeping on your stomach since it strains your back and neck, giving rise to excruciating pains.

If you’re sleeping on your stomach, use the right mattress and pillows to ease tension on your cervical spine. Your pillow should be comfortable enough for resting your head, and the mattress should be firm and supportive.

2. Incorrect Posture

With increasing digitisation, more and more jobs now involve screens, whether on laptops, smartphones, tablets, or television. Increased screen time is a primary contributor to your neck pain because of the poor posture you adopt when working on your computer, scrolling through your phone, reading on a tablet, or watching television.

When you’re engaged on your screen, your head automatically drifts forward and causes your shoulders to drop. This creates a poor posture. Long hours of slumped over and crouched positions overstretch your cervical spine, resulting in chronic back and neck pain.

To avoid tech neck, improve your posture and adjust your workstation to keep your screens at a 30-degree angle with your neck as you work.

3. Sedentary Actions

The economic downturn has forced people to stay confined to their desks for extended times during the workday. Not stretching your muscles and being seated for long periods is harmful to your back, neck, and overall physical wellbeing.

You might strain your spine, resulting in herniated discs and pinched nerves. This may lead to severe back and neck pain. Tensed muscles can also cause neck stiffness.

4. Dehydration

Your muscles struggle to function if you have a limited fluid intake, especially the muscles surrounding your joints. Dehydration leads to tighter tendons, ligaments, and muscles, making it difficult to move your neck and causing neck stiffness.

The discs between the spinal vertebrae rely on water to maintain their alignment and height. However, they degenerate with time, losing their water content and functionality. Staying well-hydrated helps prevent cervical disc degeneration, a key cause of neck pain.

a woman holding her neck due to neck pain

Symptoms and Signs of Neck Pain

  • Neck stiffness
  • Difficulty moving the head from side to side
  • Sharp ache in the lower neck
  • Stinging or stabbing sensations in the neck
  • Overall soreness
  • Tender pain throughout the neck
  • Radicular discomfort from the neck to the shoulder and arm along a nerve
  • Radiculopathy of the cervical spine
  • Nerve root compression
  • Neurological deficiencies in the arm, such as issues with strength, feelings, and reflexes
  • Difficulty lifting or holding objects
  • Weakness or numbness in the fingers or arms
  • Frequent headaches

Treatment for Neck Pain

Neck pain is mainly caused by stiff neck muscles. It has become more common than ever before, thanks to most of us spending hours staring at our computers and mobile screens. Knowing the root cause of neck pain can help you effectively deal with it.

If you’ve started experiencing the signs mentioned above, here are some strategies that can effectively help you deal with excruciating neck pain.

1. Adjust Your Sleeping Position

Sleeping on your stomach puts a strain on your back and neck. Therefore, it’s better to sleep on your side to maintain a neutral sleeping position.

You must also ensure a supportive mattress and pillow to avoid uncomfortable sleeping positions. A hard mattress or pillow can also lead to a stiff neck.

a woman with a neck pain

2. Drink Plenty of Water

Your muscles need to stretch and expand to function. Internal fluids help keep the joints, ligaments, and tendons moist that assist in stretching muscles.

As a result, staying hydrated is critical to avoiding neck pain. The more water you drink, the less stiff your joints become, making them more flexible. Staying hydrated by drinking more water will aid in water retention and improve the mobility and function of cervical discs.

3. Low-Intensity Workouts

If you have sore muscles and neck pain, it’s better to avoid vigorous exercising. A strenuous training program may cause muscle cramps, leading to terrible neck pain. It can even overstress your muscles and irritate and inflame your nerves.

You should have a less intense workout. Don’t forget to stretch your body after a workout session! Get regular massages to help relieve the tension in your muscles.

4. Wear a Collar

You can also consult your health specialists about using a soft neck collar to ease muscle strain. Wearing a collar can greatly alleviate neck pain.

However, wearing it for an extended period may cause muscle weakness. As a result, you must not completely depend on this tool. Use a neck collar only for a few hours to effectively relieve your aching muscles.

5. Work On Your Posture

Hunching strains your neck muscles. If you have a desk job, avoid leaning on your chair. It’s critical to maintain an appropriate posture to prevent neck stiffness and pains. Maintain proper alignment of your shoulders, neck, and back throughout the day.

Consider purchasing a posture-correction device if you’re struggling to maintain your posture. Gently stretch your neck and relax your muscles during your shift to prevent muscle tension.

a woman stroking her neck

6. Physiotherapy

A sudden involuntary muscle in the neck because of trauma, weakness, overuse, or strain can significantly diminish the functionality of the neck joints. Physiotherapy can help mobilise the joints by effectively massaging the muscles to reduce spasms.

If you’re experiencing muscle or joint pain, physiotherapists at 5 STAR CLINIC LTD can help you. The experts at the clinic offer physiotherapy sessions to treat body and neck pains relief without any medications.

The clinic also offers a range of other pain management treatments, including hypnotherapy, acupuncture treatments, and massage therapy.

Contact them today to learn more about their services.

About the Author

The author is a licenced physiotherapist. He has treated several patients with muscle problems, joint ailments, and sports injuries over the last decade. He also regularly contributes to numerous social media sites, writing blogs on avoiding and managing health problems like neck pains, muscle pains, and several injuries.