On 25th January 2022 WordPress 5.9, the new theme of word press brought major changes in web development. In addition to making the developers of WordPress development companies’ tasks easier, it focuses on improving the user interface of the website as well. The improved user interface is extremely popular. The below writings will help to understand a comprehensive list of new features of WordPress 5.9.

Full site editing

The feature was introduced in the last WordPress 5.8. although this is not a new feature, various new elements are introduced in the full site editing to enhance the experience. Now, the developer can easily edit the theme of word press and can create a website with a unique custom design. Some of the exclusive features of Full site editing are-

  • Block style change

You can change the block style by using a site editor on a website. You can find it on the style button and can choose blocks. A list of blocks can be customized and edited. You can also set styles in the individual blocks over the website.

For instance, you can easily change the color of the button to match the color of the brand. You can modify the font size also. The latest version of WordPress helps the users in providing capability and control to customize a website. Hire a WordPress developer to create a web with the above functionalities and features.

  • Sitewide blocks

10 new blocks are estimated to be introduced by WordPress 5.9 for full site editing. It is present in the theme menu and you can navigate the footer, comments, template part, header, term description, achieve title post, author, and next post.

All of these facilities can easily edit and fill your requirements. You can even remove or add any block to change the design of the website. WordPress development services offer a wide range of single experience of WordPress 5.9.

  • Edit navigation menu

The navigation menu is changed to WordPress 5.9 from the menu feature. You can use the navigation menu block easily in the site editor if you want to add items to it. This block helps you to create a navigation menu, add new links, adjust colors, modify spacing and alignment.

  • Add Site-Wide Styles

If you are looking to create any new style in your theme you can apply it to the website. You have to just click on the style icon and place it in the top right corner. You can even change the typography and color of the website from the main menu. After making the choice you have to save the changes accordingly. 

What are the improvements in the block editor?

In block editor, there is a significant part to create content. At the same time, businesses invest in word press theme development services to focus on content. Therefore, the recent release of WordPress introduces a new feature called block editor. Some of the useful features are as follows-

  • Social buttons and icons

The improved version of social buttons and icons helps child blocks to be used in the parent block’s toolbar. Earlier it was tricky to access the control of child and parent blocks. You can even officially embed with Pinterest.

  • Section move

From the list view toolbar, you can directly move sections. You just need to click on the item and move it side-wise or up and down. Thus, it will help you modify the layout and align different parts of your content.

  • Heading Control

With this feature, you can select the heading level from the drop-down menu and access the spacing margin design and typography options.

  • Rich URL preview

One could see only the URL when one clicked on a link using the mouse in the last version. But the new version of WordPress 5.9 displays a rich URL preview inside the post editor. 

  • Navigation block

You can easily navigate the block in the WordPress page by using a new feature of WordPress 5.9. now you can manually navigate menus in your articles and landing pages. 

Remaining Changes in the block

There are many new options which are introduced to control the way you want to. Layout control helps to determine the orientation and justification. Dimension control helps in block spacing and padding.

Now you can easily align the columns by using column blocks. A WordPress agency can also align these features for you. You have to trust them and hir one of the dedicated word press developers to introduce all these features in your work culture. 

Column blocks can also help you control the dimensions with a minimum height of padding and cover. Post feature image block and gallery block further facilitate editing. A new named “Row Block” also appears in the line.

Apart from only showcasing the latest WordPress version, WordPress plugin development has its importance. The current trends guarantee the blessing of fast speed and setup process. Hire a WordPress developer to choose the right thing for your website with an intuitive header to fully respond in the modern demos.

The new updated WordPress version provides a similar service in WordPress. WordPress development company amidst competition provides an array of outstanding services. The list of several new integrated WordPress themes can grab the attention of the users in one go. Get in touch for more details and build your idea into a successful finished website.