We’re used to thinking of wooden pallets as most people think of the paper or plastic bags lined up at your grocery store. which one is better? Which one is “green”? What is the future? After spending several hours every week, always focused on coming up with our company’s forward-looking strategy in a challenging market, the answer to this question is better, plastic crates Sydney or wooden pallets, crates, dunnage, still worthy of serious consideration. You will now be amazed at the conclusions that have been drawn about these ingredients used in packaging for decades. decide for yourself! We definitely have — hey, what did you expect, we’re in the pellet business.

When it comes to deciding what’s best for your organization – plastic crates Brisbane vs. Wooden Packaging – There are important categories that ask specific questions. Here are the top four considerations:

  1. Fire Safety

This has been in the news for some time now as there has been some back-and-forth between supporters of both sides on the issue, and of course the fire marshals have been caught in the middle with not just the pallet companies but all the companies. World. Which stores large quantities of packaging in the warehouse. A person’s first reaction is usually that wood is flammable. We later use it to start fires and also make shrapnel to keep warm in our homes, outside of camp, and to use as fuel for wood-burning furnaces.

  1. Durability

So, are you ready for more truth? What is the green option? Can we dispel the myths surrounding wooden pallets as well as plastic pallets and come together to some logical conclusion?

Durability is where the plastic pallet flexes its muscles as a green alternative to the wooden pallet. Do wooden pallets require pruning trees and in general weigh more than plastic pallets, which cost more to transport and can leave a bigger “status mark” on the environment? Is that true. Can plastic pallets be 100% recycled? How can we navigate this green water? For years my brother and I have thought that plastic pallets are the future and that is it.

Wood pallets are made almost exclusively from wood industry waste/by-products that focus on housing, furniture, and flooring, and many trees are renewable (often grown to provide raw materials), and others.

  1. Strength / Flexibility / Practicality

Plastic vs. The next important bucket to consider when considering wooden packaging is how well do they work? Some quick facts to consider:

  • Wood and plastic are both excellent in terms of weight and strength ratio – wood is usually 40-60 lbs and plastic is usually 30-60 lbs.
  • Wooden components are easy to obtain and organize just the way you want – in fact, you can find some scrap wood lying around your organization and make pallets, crates, boxes and many other applications that are limited only by your imagination. Plastic pallets require special equipment, high energy for production.
  • Wooden Pallet One of the best pieces of crate magic is that it is tough, strong and yet has little flexibility and the ability to absorb operator error from cranes, forklifts, etc. And we know how easy it is to repair a wooden product. Plastic packaging can often be brittle and repairing a plastic package is not possible.
  1. Cost

We can’t begin to imagine that the final decision-making tool for trading, especially in today’s down economy, would be anything other than price. Companies are looking at the bottom of each palette, literally, to see if they can take the board down and save thirty cents. Your wooden packaging Vs. How easy is it to reconfigure/redesign plastic packaging? You don’t have to be an engineer to answer this question.