Just as COVID-19 can cause a range of symptoms, so can post-covid syndrome. The following are the common signs that can persist:

  •  Breathing difficulties or breathlessness
  •  Fatigue or exhaustion
  •  Symptoms that worsen after participating in active or personal factors
  • Difficulty thinking or focusing (also recognized as “brain fog”)
  • Cough
  •  Pain mostly in chest or stomach
  •  Headache
  •  a thumping or fast-beating heart
  •  Muscle or muscle aches
  •  Pins-and-needles phenomenon
  •  Dysentery
  •  Sleep challenges
  •  Flu
  •  Standing dizzy spells
  •  Skin infection
  •  Mood swings
  •  Changes in smell or flavors
  •  Variations in the menstrual cycle

Children and Adolscents

Post-covid syndrome appears to be less common among adolescents than in adults. Children and adolescents do experience long-term effects after COVID-19. Long-term signs have been found in children with both moderate and severe COVID-19, including children who previously had multi-system inflammation syndrome. The most typical symptoms noted, similar to that seen in adults, are feeling tired all the time or tiredness, migraine, sleep disturbance, difficulty focusing, muscle and joint pain, and sore throat.