With numerous flooring types on the market, shopping for options can be an overwhelming experience. Consider epoxy flooring if you want products that can provide protection and durability. Understand the pros and cons of that choice, so you’ll better understand the floor materials you can install inside your home.
Pro: Superior Durability
Durability is a must for floors. You want a product that will last for years. That will reduce your maintenance expenses. Of course, while epoxy floor coating is impressive, several factors affect its lifespan. While the flooring can easily last twenty years with maintenance and repairs, location is also a factor. Installing the flooring in high-traffic areas will mean a shorter lifespan. Installation mistakes must also be considered. Errors during the installation will compromise the flooring’s durability, too. That brings us to our next point.
Con: Demanding Installation Process
Epoxy flooring can’t be installed unless there’s tremendous preparation involved. Assess the condition of the floor and fix any pockmarks or holes. Patch them up until the surface is smooth. It’s a time-consuming process that can’t be rushed. Rushing will only lead to mistakes and lower the quality and durability levels of the flooring. If you want to make the most out of your floor coating, you need to give the coating time to cure and dry thoroughly. If you don’t, you’ll need to start again from step one.
Pro: Cost-Effective Solution
This option fits the bill if you want a durable and affordable flooring solution. Epoxy floor coating sets you back at a lower cost in the long run, even if you add the upfront installation charges to your total bill. You will also get lower rates once you go for flooring replacements. That should be a big help to you, especially if you want pocket-friendly options.
Con: Needs Professional Assistance
You’ll need to follow the instructions for the installation strictly if you don’t want any mistakes. Missing a step can lead to costly errors. Also, fumes come out of the materials during the installation process. The fumes are harmful to one’s lungs, throat, nose, and eyes. You can choose solvent-based epoxy to eliminate this problem. The health hazards disappear once the coating is cured. If you don’t have the skill or experience, it would be best to leave this to the experts. Taking chances with a DIY approach may likely backfire on you in the end.
Pro: Can Be Customized
You can create a lot of designs with epoxy flooring. The colour combinations are endless, too. If you want a material that allows you to experiment with metallic looks, geometric shapes, and intricate patterns, this option should be at the top of your list. With its high customizability, it is not surprising why many homeowners install this flooring type.
Con: Slippery Surface
One downside to epoxy flooring is how slippery the surface is. There’s not as much friction, which can lead to accidents. However, that smooth surface makes it ideal for parking spaces. You can also use finishes, like silica sand, to fix that problem.