Working in a start-up indicates juggling a plethora of tasks. Employees leave no stone unturned to deliver results par excellence. Can it lead to fatigue and burnout? Yes. It would be a prudent choice to look for a method that can ease your employees’ burden. Are you mulling over how to do it? The answer is simple — hire a remote react native developer.

Start-ups need to function fast. According to a recent report, 20 percent of the start-ups fail within the initial year, and approx. 25 percent of the businesses register a 15-year mark.

1.Unfolding some of the many reasons that make a start-up tick Iterate Smoothly: A company must test its products and bring them to market. There are no incentives for second place in today’s fast-paced environment.
2. Scale quickly: Startups should live by the ethos of “blitzscaling.”

3. Working under tight deadlines: Today’s startups must function at in speed to be competitive. In the United States, it takes only six days to establish a firm. So by the time you’ve persuaded your college-bound cousin to drop out and move in with you. You would see ten other people are already working on a similar product.

Regardless of these factors, it is the best time to venture out and start something on your own. The US is the biggest tech market in the world, capping in at an impressive $1.9 trillion in 2019. (2)
So, if you are planning to be the leading tech companies. And turn your start-up into a company worth $3 trillion or more, like Apple. You should use the best technologies or frameworks out there in the market to select the best for your app. Keep reading the article to land on the best decision.

Understanding React Native Framework

React Native is a JavaScript-based mobile application framework for creating hybrid mobile apps that run on both Android and iOS. React Native is built on the ReactJS framework, created by Facebook in 2015. React Native is a set of components used to create native-looking mobile apps for both Android and iOS. It is vital to understand what difference can a framework make. Before we go into the benefits of utilizing React Native, let us look at startup success stories that have used React Native.


Pinterest, referred to as an “ideas social network.” People can “pin” their ideas on many topics to their user boards to share them with others. These concepts can be expressed by photos, images, or other types of infographics. Pinterest has close to 175 million monthly active users, and the figure is growing by the day.

Pinterest used React Native to build their iOS app in just ten days, and it took another two days to port it to Android. Pinterest engineers claim that React Native saved them nearly a week of development time and that there were no performance issues.

It’s difficult to pick the right technology for your mobile app. But, after considering your needs, expected money, and available time, the decision making gets easier.

Whether top react native developers should be your go-to choice or not. You need to learn if this investment is a bang for your bucks. Moreover, what the other alternatives to consider, scroll ahead.

Native VS React Native: Factors to Consider Before You Take the Plunge

Without further ado, let us screen some factors to consider while choosing between React Native and Native mobile app development.

The primary element to consider when juxtaposing; native and react native is that with the former approach, the code is developed for both Android and iOS platforms. It is due to technical differences. To make your app available on both platforms, you’ll need to choose two independent teams. Thus, you would need an Android development team and an iOS development team. Furthermore, if you make a code change, you must build and run the entire project. It refers to the extra effort and time required to develop a mobile app.

The answer to the question of how much does it cost to design a mobile app also aids in the selection of the best technology for your purposes. According to the leading mobile app development companies, react native app development can save 30 percent to 35 percent on the same app project.

So, if cost is your primary consideration, React Native is the best choice.

When compared to Native technology, React Native gives mobile app developers a gamut of options for processing more data. It enables the launch of higher-functionality updatOmits of scalability, React Native wins the Native app vs React Native app development battle.

App performance is another element to consider when comparing native vs. react native development. React Native is built on top of JavaScript, which uses a single dedicated device thread. Many asynchronous tasks cannot be completed at the same time. Furthermore, several popular modules and features are not supported by the framework. It’s unable to use native device features, cutting-edge technologies, or perform complicated operations because of this.

Kotlin, Swift, and Java — the native programming languages for Android and iOS, are strict-typed and OOPs-oriented languages. Even if it takes time to become comfortable with them, they are simple to learn with enough documentation and a set of rules and regulations.

So, while JavaScript appears to be easy to learn, it has many problems and loopholes, as well as limited documentation, making it difficult for React Native app developers to grasp the language fully.

We have also encapsulated when you should native apps for your start-ups. It’s not as if developing a cross-platform app is always preferable to developing a native one. In some situations, it’s preferable to go with the latter alternative. If you’re thinking about developing a native app, consider the following:

What matters most to you is performance.

If you work in the FinTech industry, security is a top priority.

Graphics will be a big part of your software. To put it another way, if you want your app to include advanced interactions, unique animations, or different screen transitions.

If your program uses geolocation tracking, it will need a lot of interactions with hardware such as GPS.

What Makes React Native the Go-to Option for Start-ups?

Working with React Native has given start-up services a new depth. React Native has shown to be an excellent way for them to address the needs of their clients with limited resources, money, and time. The technology has enabled them to reach a broader market, particularly startups, and earn the distinction of being worldwide renowned react native app development business.

When it comes to choosing between React native applications and native apps, the former is better. In case, you don’t know who your target audience is. Moreover, if you have a restricted budget, can’t invest more work, or aren’t sure which platform to launch an app on.

It would be a prudent choice to outsource the responsibility. You can hire a mobile app development company and experience the difference. So, make the best choice for your business.