The road to success is never a straight path. Macropay’s Founder & CEO Adam J Clarke is living proof that success comes in many forms. Often, forging your own path yields better results than taking the well-traveled path. 

a man jumping from a cliff to spell out the word success

Overcoming Struggles Early On

Although some might think that growing up with mental health issues means a lesser chance of success, Adam J Clarke showed us how wrong they can be. His ADHD has helped him be creative and think outside of the box. He brings a unique perspective on everything and this allows him to come up with creative solutions for any business challenge that he may face – whether it be small or large!

Macropay’s founder was just 16 years old when he decided that going into sales would help him build the life of his dreams. After surpassing adults within company, he notes feeling unbeatable and that he can do anything.

After years of hard work and dedication, Adam’s efforts finally paid off. He went from a hard-working teen to a founder & CEO in less than a decade.


Entrepreneurial Success

Adam J Clarke‘s knowledge of sales processes and the obsession with scaling them put him in the perfect position to succeed in his endeavor as a business owner. 

Macropay’s success story began when the initial team was assembled. At present, Macropay has operations in its home country of Romania as well as Britain and Malta – all while remaining focused on developing new opportunities abroad to expand their business even further!

The FinTech has updated their Open Banking technology and is set to double profits  compared to previous years. The company has been relentless about innovation, and it looks like their current trajectory will lead them straight towards even more success.


You Can Succeed Too

There’s nothing stopping you! Adam J Clarke shares this important business mindset tip for anyone who wants the chance at becoming their own boss. He advises that “You should not believe that the entrepreneurs you look up to are different from you. The only difference is the ability to handle failure and rejection at an incredible rate. Standing up again after getting knocked over by failure is the most important part of being an entrepreneur.

Adam further emphasizes his point by quoting Les Brown, “It’s not over until you win.

For more information on Adam J Clarke and his successful Fintech, Macropay, visit