What would a stranger say if you approached them and asked what they believed a person’s most distinctive physical characteristic was? With personal style out of the way, the only thing left is… hair!

Hair is the gateway for most people to show their personality and personal style, making it an excellent confidence booster on even the darkest days.

Maintaining a regular hair care regimen is critical since beautiful, thick, lustrous hair always makes a good first impression. A normal hair care routine is also vital for maintaining healthy hair and preventing excessive damage that can lead to hair loss.

Washing your hair with celebrity-endorsed shampoos and conditioners isn’t enough to keep it healthy, strong, and lustrous; you also need to know how to care for it daily.

 The Ultimate Guide to Keeping Your Hair Healthy:

Something as important to us as our hair demands some tender loving care.

Here are a few pointers on how to prevent hair loss and keep your hair strong and healthy:

  • Make a cleaning schedule that works for you.

You must use a shampoo made specifically for your hair type. If you have hair loss, it’s better to use baby shampoos free of harsh chemicals that might destroy your hair. Washing your hair with hot water is damaging because it removes all the oiliness from your scalp, which your hair generates naturally to protect itself.

The final rinse should be done with warm, practically chilly water, as this will brighten and strengthen your hair. In addition, the hair cuticle is sealed by cold water, giving your hair a distinctive strength that would otherwise be stripped away if you rinsed with hot water.

  • Be gentle with yourself:

Minimize using hair dryers, curlers, flat irons, and other harsh style equipment as much as possible to avoid further damage. Men, too, should limit how often they colour their hair. If you decide to use hot tools, make sure to use a strong heat protectant first to keep your ends safe from further damage.

  • Change it up:

Change your shampoo frequently to avoid your hair becoming accustomed to it and the same oils being stripped away with each wash. Every shampoo is tailored to meet a unique need, removing a specific type of hair oil with each application.

The solution also generates resistance in the hair, so you may realize that you are no longer obtaining the intended benefits after a while.

  • Avoid overbrushing:

There’s a temptation for ladies to brush their hair excessively. However, brushing your hair too forcefully or for too long can lead to breakage and damage. To avoid cutting the ends, use good quality brushes or combs without sharp plastic or metal teeth.

Brushing is an essential element of hair care, but only after the hair is dehydrated should it be done. Brushing it stimulates the root and distributes the natural fat contained on the scalp, allowing it to flow in the direction of the tips, which are prone to falling out.

Apply treatment creams to your hair regularly to nourish and strengthen it. If you have long hair, it’s a good idea to do an excellent moisturizing treatment once a week.

  • Drying:

When drying your hair with a towel, avoid rubbing it. This harms the hair and only absorbs the water that is concentrated at the ends. Instead, cover your hair in a towel and allow it to absorb all the moisture off your head.

Hairdryers are incredibly drying and can cause hair to break more easily. Therefore, it’s recommended to let your hair air dry as much as possible.

If you decide to blow dry your hair, use a heat-protective lotion, and avoid bringing the hot air too close to your hair. Finish drying with cold air to seal the hair’s cuticle, which will protect the tips.