Construction wastes are inevitable, whether working on a house remodel or building one. As a homeowner, you must remove construction debris and dispose of it responsibly.

We will guide you through the various construction waste disposal choices.


What exactly is construction debris?

The EPA (or the United States Environmental Protection Agency) is any debris generated during the construction, demolition, renovation, and rehabilitation of buildings, roads, and bridges.

Any garbage you create when remodeling or building your home falls under this category.

What kinds of debris are there?

The following are the top eight types of construction debris. 

  1. Dredging debris is the first type of waste. This is what is created during the preparation phase of a project. This could include soil, stumps from trees, rocks, and dirt.
  2. The second type of trash might be harmful if it is not handled appropriately. This is asbestos and insulation materials. Asbestos can be found in flooring backing, sprayed on fireproofing, resilient tiles, and gaskets.
  3. The third kind of trash includes pottery, concrete, tiles, and bricks. Again, many of these things are recyclable.
  4. Waste from construction activities might include glass, wood, and other items. Skylights, windows, shelves, and door panes are broken shards of glass and other building remnants. Plastic garbage includes PVC pipes, siding, and plumbing.

Wood wastes can include sawdust, shavings, and scrap wood. They also include leftover lumber, chip wood, plywood, and chip wood.

5. Metals such as copper, bronze, lead, aluminum, steel, and iron make up most of the metallic debris from residential constructions and renovation projects.

6. Drywall is made using gypsum wallboard, and excesses are usually left behind at the construction site.

7. What construction project does not use cement? Most cement waste at building sites is made up of excess cement mix and rejected cement.

8. You must handle paint removers, varnish removers, organic solvents, paint cans, sealant containers, and adhesive containers, all extremely hazardous.

Responsible for construction debris removal

These are some ways to remove construction debris from your construction site.


This is the most environmentally-friendly option. More than 90% of construction waste can be recycled. You can save some construction waste by storing it in a safe place until you can reuse it. Then, you may take the remaining items to your neighborhood recycling facility. In addition, some things can be donated to a charity, such as extra tiles and carpeting.

Hire a dumpster

Tulsa dumpster rental can provide a quote based on how much debris you have. According to size, several businesses hire out dumpsters. In addition, many companies offer pickup and delivery services.

Renting a dumpster costs $110 to $1815, with the average national cost being $540.

Contact us today for more information about how to get rid of construction debris.

We’ll set up a residential dumpster rental in tulsa OK quickly so that you don’t have to wait for it to arrive.

Get professional debris removal services.

You can always hire a professional to take care of the disposal. A truckload of construction debris will cost you between $100-$600.