A severe traumatic brain injury not only affects the injured person. But, it can affect the patient’s family members, close ones, friends, and people who care. Nobody wants to see their loved ones in pain, especially when the traumatic brain injury symptoms are pretty severe and disturbing. 

TBI occurs when any form of outside force affects or deters the brain’s normal functioning. Falls, blows, strikes in the head, car crashes, assaults are the most common causes of TBI. Severe TBI always includes a brief period of patients being unconscious the whole time. 

The patient doesn’t know what is happening to them; they are in deep sleep. Traumatic Brain Injury symptoms Years Later can get worse if not treated on time. Also, in some cases lead to coma such that the person is unconscious, they won’t make any bodily movements.

Condition of a Severe TBI patient:

The level of severity in patients going through extreme cases of TBI. Accordingly, the Symptoms of Traumatic Brain Injury differ vividly. 

  1. A coma is a rare but possible case where the patient is unconscious. People in this state can never know what is going around them. Their eyes are closed; they don’t respond, move, blink, only breathe. 

      2. People get into a vegetative stage but are still unconscious. They may awake at times, unlike patients in coma. Patients may also open their eyes but in an “Unresponsive Wakefulness Syndrome.” In some cases, they may make facial expressions, react to sound and light. 

People in a vegetative state may or may not know what is going around in the surroundings. They can’t communicate or follow any command or instruction, but their automatic functions can be in control. It is their brain activity, breathing, heart function, and digestion.

       3. When a person is dealing with a severe traumatic injury, they might be minimally conscious. But, there are higher chances to regain consciousness. They might have some awareness of what is going on in the surroundings, with that they make some changes too. 

Some brain injury symptoms may be difficult to sort out with other Health conditions:

  • People may not figure out that they are having problems since they do not recognize or admit that they are having problems.
  • A person may not understand the exact symptoms they are dealing with, how the symptoms are affecting their lives, and what they are experiencing that affects their daily activities.
  • Often problems are overlooked when a person is going through a mild TBI or concussion.  

Symptoms of mild to moderate TBI include:

If you want to know how moderate and mild Symptoms of Traumatic Brain Injury look like. 

Let us look at the signs and see if you or anyone you know are dealing with them.

It is time to seek immediate medical help from healthcare experts. 

  • headache
  • Loss of memory
  • Slurred speech
  • confusion
  • dizziness
  • Weakness
  • ringing in the ear
  • Condition like death
  • Repeating vomiting
  • memory impairment
  • blurred vision
  • Problem to think or learn
  • Feeling uneasy, nauseous
  • behavioral changes

Symptoms and long term Effect

There is little to nothing that can get done to reverse brain damage due to trauma. A traumatic experience can leave a long-term impact on one’s health and wellbeing. 

The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke suggests it can be intimidating to go through trauma. But health care professionals will do their best to stabilize patients and prevent any further harm. 

The Traumatic Brain Injury symptoms Years Later are usually adding severe complications. Also, it depends upon the seriousness of the injury. The other factors determine the long-term impact, like the location of the injury, the number of previous brain injuries, past health, and the age and general health of a patient.


Now that you know the traumatic brain injury symptoms and what they can do to one’s health. It is crucial to take the right step in and deal with your injuries. Getting information on brain injury symptoms and long-term effects is essential. 

Learn more about it at Advantagehcs.com. Understand the impact, learn about taking care of patients dealing with TBI and see how you can improvise your life too.