When to go with shared hosting or VPS hosting is a common question among beginners. To address this query, we are sharing some quality and money-saving techniques.

So, if you are confused about what to adopt then read this article till the end and get the best tips for blogging and online website businesses.

Shared Hosting

Shared hosting is defined as a type of hosting where the server is shared among different websites. It will give a shared space to your website. It can be related to a hostel where managed college students live together and share hostel facilities.

Likewise, all the websites sharing the server will use the limited resources of the server. Apart from this, if any mischievous boy makes a blunder then all the students will get the punishment.

I hope you can relate to the example. With shared hosting, security is the major issue. If any website owner makes any inappropriate activity on the website, then it will affect the other websites present on the same server. Thus, shared hosting could be a risky option.

When considering the cost, shared hosting is the cheapest type of hosting. It is affordable and beginners can easily approach it.

Virtual Private Server (VPS) hosting

Moving towards the VPS hosting, the server is partitioned into small independent servers and each one is allotted to the website. So, it is a private server for each website.

It can be related to a building having a huge number of flats. Each flat is given to a student who is responsible for their personal space.

The resources for VPS hosting are also private for each server and one can upgrade its resources according to the website’s requirement. If the website needs more space, you can consult the hosting provider and your hosting plan will be upgraded. In this way, you will have to pay only for the resources you are using. This makes the VPS hosting an affordable package as compared to dedicated hosting where you have to pay for more than you are using.

Security is not an issue with VPS hosting because the website has its private space and no one is involved in the working of the website.

What is the best time to use hosting?

Shared hosting is the best package for personal websites that have only a few visitors or new websites that are in the developing stage. The websites with low traffic can also start with shared hosting.

Afterward, when the website load increases, the number of visitors increases, and the resources of shared hosting are limited then you can move towards VPS hosting.

It is also recommended to use shared hosting when your website is at the developing stage and once it’s ready to launch and traffic starts building then move to VPS hosting.


Web hosting is important for a website and it should be picked properly. Shared hosting is good for a website at the start and when it’s developed then VPS hosting should be adopted.

Furthermore, you can also upgrade your hosting plan with VPS hosting resources when needed. Both the packages are affordable for beginners.