Black Tourmaline is a crystal recommended for every person who believes in crystals. Its grounding and protection properties are a must for each of us today. What is so wonderful about this black stone? Let’s look at some of its properties one by one.
Protection from Electro Magnetic Radiation – We use electronic appliances in almost every area of our lives. Be it cell phones, microwave ovens, or others. There are transmitting towers as we look out of our homes. Nothing works without the internet, our laptops and computers. We expose ourselves to electromagnetic rays even without being aware of this in our day-to-day routine. Black tourmaline can give us the protection we need from this. Wear it as jewelry to protect yourself, or keep it around you to absorb the radiation from your rooms or space.
Protection from the Evil Eye – As we move towards success in work, or in our personal life, we experience the evil eye or ‘nazar’ as we call it in Hindi. Black Tourmaline absorbs any energetic negative feelings that may be directed towards you, giving you energetic protection.
Grounding – Have you ever felt scattered mentally or emotionally? We all do at some point due to an event or difficult situation in life. That is the time we need to ground ourselves. One way to ground yourself is to hold a black tourmaline tumbled stone or a raw black tourmaline in your hands and meditate or relax for a few minutes to feel grounded. Grounding yourself will help you to deal with a situation and take decisions with a calm and open mind.
Protection for Healers and Occult Practitioners – If you are a person who practices a healing or any new age modality, you may need energetic protection from any negative energy that you may absorb during your session. Wearing or keeping a black tourmaline will give you that protection. For those who channel, and read tarot or oracle cards often, this stone will keep you grounded after a session.
Protection during Astral Travel and Meditation – While in deep meditation or during astral travel, wearing or holding a black tourmaline will give protection from negative energies that may be drawn to you.
What are the different forms we have in Black Tourmaline at Talk to Crystals and how can we use them?
1) We have large rocks to place at your home or office entrance.
2) Smaller rocks in the raw form can be used to grid your homes, rooms, or workspace for protection.
3) Tumbled stones, Palm stones, and Cabochons can work as worry stones or for grounding.
4) Trees and free forms can be placed in the room as part of the décor.
5) Jewellery – Bracelets, rings, pendants, earrings, and anklets are available for men and women.
Get your black tourmaline now in whatever form that appeals to you. A word of caution here – Black tourmaline needs regular cleansing with sunlight, water, moonlight, or sage. You need to cleanse it between 7 to 14 days regularly. This wonderful stone takes on the negative energy and gives you protection, but it too has a limit, so cleansing is really important.