An industrial generator is a great investment for your business, and it serves as the go-to power backup whenever you have outages allowing your business to run as usual. But even the best models of industrial generators won’t survive indefinitely, and you must upgrade at some point. However, with regular upkeep and quick repairs, your generator can last for many years before you need to replace it. Look at these warning signals that you should switch to a new and better power system if you are debating between repairs and a generator replacement.

The unit is too small.

Not considering how much electricity is required to do daily duties is a common error people make when buying a generator. This leads to a generator that is less powerful and smaller as a result. If this is the case, it would be wiser in the long run for you to purchase a larger generator right now to avoid any future short circuits or problems. Thankfully you can sell your current generator and use the proceeds of the sale to upgrade. Check out the guide for selling your used generator.

Repairs are pricey.

As you operate your generator more frequently over time, it will become more susceptible to wear and tear problems. As your generator ages, these problems will occur more regularly. This implies that you would have to pay a significant price the next time you have your generator repaired to solve several problems.

Another glaring indication that your generator requires an upgrade is when you can no longer get the parts for your old generator since it is so old. That would mean you have to undertake a total generator overhaul to identify the specific component that needs maintenance.

It is not reliable

Having a reliable power system is crucial during a power outage. Imagine being without electricity for days or even weeks! Your electrical systems ought to receive continuous, smooth power from the generator. You should have your generator checked out by a qualified technician if you detect any anomalies in its functioning, such as slow startup or power going in and out. These could be signs that the generator is starting to wear out.

It is consuming more fuel.

Generators often experience some efficiency loss over time, just as any mechanical device. As the system starts to deteriorate, this may increase fuel expenses. As a generator age, it won’t run as well, which lowers its efficiency and increases its fuel consumption. If your generator has been well-maintained, but you still need to refill the fuel tank more frequently than usual, it’s probably time to consider an upgrade.

It is old

It’s more likely that an older generator will require maintenance to keep it operating normally. To ensure you have the dependable power source you need in an emergency, consider a replacement if your generator has reached the end of its anticipated lifespan. The more recent technologies in modern generators will also result in higher efficiency and better overall performance.