In 2020, more than 3.6 billion people worldwide used social networks, and in 2025 this number will grow to 4.41 billion. On average, Internet users spend 144 minutes a day on social networks and instant messengers, which is half an hour more than in 2015. This figure is expected to grow as lagging digital markets catch up with other regions through infrastructure development and the availability of cheap mobile devices. Business is also shifting to social media as it provides an opportunity to connect with the target audience (68% of consumers agree that social media allows them to interact with brands and companies), raise awareness (55% of respondents learn about new brands on social media),

Gaining followers on social media is not easy: for this, it is not enough for a brand to simply be present on the platform. This is where social media optimization (SMO), organic marketing, and paid promotion come in. At the same time, companies spend about 15-25% of their advertising budget only on social networks.

What is social media optimization?

Similar to search engine optimization, social media optimization also focuses on improving engagement and awareness of a brand. Nowadays, most entrepreneurs and businesses are using social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to advertise their products and services. Social media helps in connecting brands with their consumers. Brands can use content marketing on social media to create a more focused awareness on their products.

Businesses can also collaborate with social media influencers to advertise more effectively. There are many famous social influencers on Instagram, YouTube, and Twitch who are currently posting sponsored content on their channels, such as Lavaxgrll. These influencers have millions of followers and subscribers. So it makes sense for businesses to sponsor these people and get their products advertised using their popularity.

How social media optimization can help an individual or business:


  • Increased subscribers


  • Users engagement


  • Improved website traffic;


  • Maintaining brand reputation;


  • Contributing to a strong consumer base

YouTube Optimization

Video content is still very popular, with 54% of consumers wanting to see more video content from a brand or company they support. YouTube makes it possible not only to place content for any budget, but also to repost it on the brand’s website without slowing down its work.


YouTube Optimization Pro Suggestions that Actually Work:


  • YouTube SEO involves adding sensible or related keywords for your video title, as well as a short summary and video file name for each video.


  • Videos that match the profile of the company are perceived by the audience more loyally.


  • Hashtags are placed over the title of your video and play a role in the search query, including on Google.


  • An intriguing intro before the video increases the chances of watching it.


  • Subtitles are useful: 4 out of 10 users watch videos without sound on mobile devices.

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Instagram Optimization

Instagram is the best social platform for showcasing and selling products. Merging Instagram with Facebook makes it easy to use both at the same time. For example, you can set up automatic publication of Instagram posts in the Facebook feed, as well as promote posts on both Facebook and Instagram.


Instagram Optimization Tips:

  • The use of all formats (posts, videos, stories, Highlights, Reels, and Instagram live) can increase the engagement of the target audience.


  • If the username matches the brand name, the bio is formatted correctly, with keywords and hashtags, this can increase the profile in the SERP rankings.


  • Hashtags are important for Instagram: you can add up to 30 relevant hashtags to both the post and the first comment, which is also taken into account in the search.


  • Advanced settings for the post also allow you to add alternative text with keywords.


  • Instagram is the best social platform for showcasing and selling products.