When it comes to contact lenses, there are now a plethora of choices. If you want to prevent eye infections, it’s best to know the advantages and disadvantages of each type of contact lens.

Soft contact lenses

Many ophthalmologists or optometrists usually prescribe soft contact lenses for common vision problems like blurred vision, nearsightedness, or farsightedness.

People generally adjust to using soft contact lenses much quicker than they do with rigid permeable lenses. There are two major types of soft contact lenses. These are:

Daily wear lenses – These are disposable lenses that you can wear for only a specific period of time. There are lenses you can use for only one day. But there are also disposable lenses that you can keep on using for two weeks, for a month, or for three months. Usually, you’ll need to remove the lenses every night to get them cleaned and sterilized.

Overnight (extended) wear lenses. If you prefer not to clean contact lenses daily, there are some soft contact lenses that you can leave on for a whole month. The only problem with this type of contact lens is that it can aggravate dust residue that can build up under the lens. This can aggravate the cornea tissue or lead to eye infections.

Your eye clinic Los Angeles, CA is a valuable resource when it comes to issues that affect your eyes.