Finding and retaining a Python programmer can be quite challenging for some companies. In order to be able to hire the best Python programmer, businesses need to have a strict selection process to properly select Python developers. In addition to theoretical tests, talents must demonstrate hands-on Python development experience, as well as some other basic programming languages.

Python is a popular programming language. One of its many advantages is that code is easy to read with it. It is used for small and large scale applications. Python’s robustness has been tested and is used by major Internet companies, such as Google, Yelp, Quora, Youtube and Reddit.

The facts are clear. The demand for highly-skilled talent in Python development outstrips the supply. A tremendous shortage is created in the market. Therefore, it is not easy to find, hire and retain the best Python programmers. In this article, you will find some reasons why you should hire Python developers.

It is worth noting that after hiring these developers, in order to keep them, you must keep them happy. Many companies say they care about their employees, but only a few really care. That’s the truth. However, without talent, you can´t have a business. Therefore, you should strive to not only have talent, but also keep them happy.

Python is an interpreted programming language whose main philosophy is to be easily read by anyone with basic programming knowledge. In addition, it has a series of characteristics that make it very particular and that, without a doubt, give it many advantages and are at the root of its widespread use: it is completely free as it is an open source language, which requires no license to use it; it is backed by an extensive community; its free nature implies that new applications and libraries are constantly being developed. In fact, it’s hard to think of something someone hasn’t done. This is a multiplying factor for programmers, since any questions will be resolved in the forums. Then, it is a multi-paradigm language, which means that it combines properties of different programming paradigms, which allows it to be very flexible and easy to learn independently of the learner´s knowledge.

benefits python developers

Another advantage is that its applications are not limited to a particular area. The fact that it is multi-paradigm allows it to be used in seemingly disparate fields such as web application design or artificial intelligence, among many others.

Also, Python is suitable for all platforms, as is can be run on different operating systems like Windows or Linux simply by using the corresponding interpreter.

As we can see, the benefits are many, but what about the drawbacks? The main obstacle that we find for Python is that it is an interpreted language, that is, it is not compiled, but rather interpreted at runtime. As a consequence, it is slower than Java or C/C++. However, this is not a big problem, since the differences in speed are small and today the bottleneck in software development projects is not in the CPU. Thanks to advances such as cloud computing, we currently have a large computing capacity at a very affordable cost.

The challenge is to shorten development times by improving code quality and maintainability. In fact, it is worth noting that Python puts the focus on this by making life easier for developers.

The language´s design principles are guided by a series of aphorisms that can be read in what is known as the Zen of Python. From these principles we can see that code readability and simplicity are essential parts of language design from the start.

Some of the points we find in the Zen of Python are consistent with the prevailing mindset in today’s most successful companies: explicit is much better than implicit, simple is much better than complex, complex is much better than complicated; if the implementation is hard to explain, it’s a bad idea; and if the implementation is easy to explain, it might be a good idea.

The free and flexible nature of Python and the security offered by the support of the thousands of users that make up its open source community make this language a safe bet in the digitalization process of companies.

Programming languages ​​adapt to the needs of people and, therefore, to those of companies that want to stay in an unprecedented technological race. Having information about them and staying up to date is a responsibility of those who are part of the company.

In conclusion, by hiring a Python developer you will be able to gain all the advantages that the language provides. There are many reasons why hiring a Python developer can be a great decision for your business goals. Although it may not be an easy task, it is definitely worth.