Now, players on WoTLK Classic Gold the game’s forums and Reddit are demanding two human NPCs called after Afrasiabi to be taken out of the game. The two NPCs who are in question comprise Field Marshal Afrasiabi found in the Alliance capital of Stormwind, and Lord Afrasastrasz located in Wrymwrest Temple in Northrend. As of the time of writing both NPCs are still present in-game the game, with Field Marshall Afrasiabi able to be found within as well WoW Classic and the game’s most recent expansion, Shadowlands. Field Marshal Afrasiabi is reportedly phasing out and in with the Shadowlands Version of the game. However the reason behind this is not yet clear. Players are playing with an in-game item in order to display warnings around the Stormwind NPC. Some Horde players taking the matter to their own and invading the Alliance city in order to eliminate Field Marshal Afrasiabi personally.

We took matters in our own hands. From the wow

Some players are calling for more drastic measures, and are requesting that quests developed by Afrasiabi be changed or removed entirely. Many in-game items are named after Afrasiabi too and his impact on the entire game is an enormous one. As a quest designer in the early days of WoW, Afrasiabi designed some of WoW’s most famous quest buy WOW WoTLK Classic Gold lines and locations, such as the quest chain that led to iconic weapon Thunderfury and it’s Death Knight starting zone in Wrath of the Lich King.