According to research, stroke is one of the leading causes of long-term disability. This condition usually occurs when brain tissue fails to get enough nutrients and oxygen. Your brain is likely to lack enough oxygen if the blood supply to this tissue is interrupted or reduced. When having a stroke, you will have trouble seeing, understanding what people are saying and speaking. If you experience these symptoms, you should seek medical attention immediately.

After getting treated, you should focus on stroke rehabilitation. Post-stroke rehabilitation and recovery tools will help you achieve this. Below are some of the tech tools that will help you recover from a stroke.

Stationary Recumbent Bikes

As a stroke survivor, you need stroke recovery tools to target your legs and feet. A stationary recumbent bike is an example of such a tool. This tool will help you build up the skills needed for walking. It will encourage bilateral movement, enabling the non-affected leg to assist the affected leg. You should not worry about experiencing any difficulties when using this bike since it offers more support than the other bikes.

Stationary recumbent bikes usually have a reclined seat. That is why these bikes help offer back support and help the body to get aligned well. All this will help build strength and flexibility in your legs. To ensure that your joints and knees do not get strained in the process, you should invest in recumbent cross-trainers.

FitMi Full-Body Home Therapy Device

A full-body home therapy device is another tool you should buy if you are a stroke survivor. This neuro rehab device will help you recover by exercising the full body from head to toe. When using this device, you will choose the muscles you want to target and your ability level. After choosing this, the device will select the exercises that match your goals and ability level.

Continuous use of this device will help you regain the ability to do different things, including walking, typing, and driving. It will often level up your exercises depending on your progress. Therefore, it is the perfect equipment to use in between therapy appointments.

Balance Boards

Balance boards are other tools you should buy if you are a stroke survivor. These boards can help you challenge your body balance. They usually target the vestibular systems and can help you regain your ability to walk.

You can buy balance boards with single point or balance boards with rocking bases, depending on how stable you need your balance boards to be. For instance, if you need balance boards that will offer you a lot of stability, you should buy balance boards with rocking bases and vice versa.

You need to take a lot of caution when using these boards to avoid falling. For instance, you need to hold onto something when using them. You should also not stand on them for long if you are just starting your exercise journey.

MusicGlove Hand Therapy Device

MusicGlove hand therapy is one of the neurorehabilitation devices that can help improve the mobility of your fingers and hands. This device is used in many hospitals and homes, and it is highly portable. According to Flint Rehab, “exercise with MusicGlove has been clinically proven to improve hand function in 2 weeks with a total of 6 hours of use.” When you put this device on your hand, it will help your hand practice therapy exercises. While practicing these exercises, your brain will be stimulated, which in turn will promote neuroplasticity. 

If you are a stroke survivor, you need to think about increasing your muscle control and mobility. Stroke recovery and rehabilitation tools can help you do this. Some of the tools that will help you are MusicGlove hand therapy devices, FitMi interactive home therapy devices, a balance board, and a stationary recumbent bike. Remember to check with your doctor or medical professional before starting any specific plan or exercise routine. Make sure to start off slow and gradually work your way up. Building up strength takes time. Therefore, remember to practice self-compassion and be kind to yourself as you recover.